Cyprus rocky testbed for Mars mission


International scientists and Cypriot experts discussed a research project to test space equipment on the island before sending it to Mars to measure the age of its rocks.

Scientists are in Cyprus to test space equipment in the rugged Troodos Mountains as it has geological similarities to the red planet.

Planetologists and geologists arrived in Cyprus earlier this month to test equipment that will measure the exact age of the rocks on Mars.

The Cyprus Space Exploration Organization (CSEO) and the Department of Geological Surveys met for the first time on Friday to coordinate efforts in this European Commission-funded project.

“The meeting discussed the objectives of the international space program, the geological needs and the most suitable locations for the project were assessed,” reads a statement from the government’s Geological Department.

He called the rock measurement project “very innovative as there are no previous accurate measurements of the Mars rock age from previous missions”.

“The geology of the Troodos mountains has a lot in common with the rocks of Mars, which is why CSEO invited these foreign scientists to Cyprus.”

“The goal is to make sure Troodos’ geology has similar locations to Mars so that space equipment planned to be sent to Mars can be tested first in Troodos,” the department said.

Christodoulos Hadjigeorgiou, interim director of the Cyprus Geological Survey Department, said Friday’s meeting went well with the local landscape know-how offered to international scientists.

The CSEO is taking part in an important international research project on Mars, in collaboration with three other European countries and the United States.

CSEO chief George Danos said the space project “highlights once again the uniqueness of our country’s geology, which can help prepare space missions to other celestial bodies.”

“Through this cooperation, we will create new jobs for scientists in our country and new research projects in collaboration with international space agencies,” he added.

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