Supermarket Price Concern Group: The Wellcome Price Index does not drop, but instead promotes a 30% discount on all orders (13:13) -20201129-Hong Kong News-Real Time News


Yan Wenyu, a convener of the “Supermarket Price Concern Group” and deputy secretary general of the Democratic Alliance for the Improvement of Hong Kong, said that supermarkets only freeze prices for certain brands of goods, which failed to benefit. all citizens. For example, Wellcome set a block price of “Golden Elephant 5kg Top Jasmine Fragrant Rice” at 75 yuan, but the price of “Golden Phoenix Brand 5kg Thai Top Fragrant Rice” was not blocked, rising from around 86 yuan in August. at the last 95.9 yuan.

Yan Wenyu believes that the above approach can only benefit some citizens. “Those who eat the golden phoenix will not switch to the golden elephant.” While supermarkets are still making money with the new coronavirus outbreak, he suggested that supermarkets implement a “30% discount on all orders”. , To fulfill social responsibility.

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