The case of a galaxy that has lost its dark matter


The case of the missing dark matter: a new suspect in the galactic mystery.

Distant galaxies almost devoid of dark matter threatened to break the theory of galaxy formation. New evidence suggests the galaxy is not an anomaly but a victim of theft. Dark Matter: An invisible substance is a key ingredient that helps shape and keep galaxies buried. It creates the strong gravity needed to induce galaxy formation and keep existing galaxies structurally intact.

Astronomers were puzzled by last year’s discovery of “NGC1052-DF4”, a stable and long-lived galaxy with almost no dark matter. How can a galaxy exist without this important component? Are our theories of galaxy formation wrong? The answer is no, just that almost everything has been stolen from her galactic neighbor NGC1035. “When two galaxies pass close by, they suffer from the gravitational pull of each other.” says Dr. Mireia Montes, lead author of the study and an astronomical researcher at UNSW Science and the Space Telescope Science Institute. . “Our very deep image found that faint stars are being swept away from a larger galaxy – the interaction is called ‘tidal disturbance’.

If the tide theory is correct, the smaller galaxy NGC1052-DF4 will soon begin to show further signs of deterioration. Eventually it could completely collapse.

Zdroj: Phys,

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