Biology: Capturing Ecology – Winning images of the British Ecological Society photo contest announced


Photo: An overview of a flying Dalmatian pelican (Pelecanus crispus). An internationally threatened bird species.

The image was slightly post-processed with tonal shifts, dodges and burns, saturation changes, sharpness and …
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Image credit: Alwin Hardenbol

An image of a flying Dalmatian pelican, taken by Alwin Hardenbol, was awarded the overall winner in the British Ecological Society’s annual photo contest, “Capturing Ecology”.

Winning images and 16 other highly praised images, shot by ecologists and international students, celebrate the diversity of ecology; capturing flora and fauna from around the planet. Subjects range from a showdown between a roadrunner and a rattlesnake, flamingos feasting at sunset, and a close-up of a friendly Labor.

On his winning image, Alwin, a PhD student at the University of Eastern Finland, said: “I gave this image the title The Art of Flight as impressive as the wings of this bird appear in the photo, you can almost see the bird. that flies in front of you despite being a still image.

“I used a technique called panning which involves using a slow shutter speed and moving the camera along with the bird as it flies. In a perfect scenario, the background and most of the bird will show blurry movement but the head should be sharp. I took thousands of photos, and although most of them failed, I was very happy with this shot.

“Winning such a competition as an ecologist gives me the opportunity to continue combining my research with my passion for wildlife photography.”

Professor Jane Memmott, president of the British Ecological Society, commented: “The photograph perfectly captures the movement, grace and beauty of the bird. Pelicans were one of my favorite birds to watch on ocean travels when I was working in Costa Rica as a graduate student and this image reminds me of those days. A challenging photograph to take and a deserving winner.

“As always, the standard of photography is impressive and it was a fun job to go through them all. I congratulate all the winners and thank all the participants for their contributions ”.

Alwin also won the “People and Nature” category with an image of an internationally vulnerable black-legged kittiwake, nesting on a decrepit building in Varanger, Norway.

The overall winner of the student is Pablo Javier Merlo, who is studying Biology at the Nacional University of Córdoba, Argentina. Pablo’s image captures a large dark swift perched on the steep rock faces of Argentina’s Iguazu Falls. These birds, known as “waterfall swifts” in Latin America, can be found flying between 80-meter-high waterfalls.

Pablo said: “The Iguazu National Park is of considerable importance as it protects a very diverse natural ecosystem and the rapid waterfall is an important icon of Iguazu and its diversity.

“I am very grateful to have been selected as one of the winners and feel motivated to continue learning about photography, which is an excellent tool for showing the wildlife of our planet and how it relates to its environment.”

The independent jury included six well-respected photographers, including eminent ecologists and award-winning wildlife photographers.

Among them was Gabriela Staebler, who has a career in wildlife photography that has spanned 30 years. He said: “The extraordinary images show not only great photographic skills, but love and emotion for wildlife. With their impact on people they will contribute to the conservation of nature. Congratulations to the photographers!”

Full list of winners:

Overall winner: Alwin Hardenbol, University of Eastern Finland

The art of flight: An overview of a Dalmatian pelican in flight (Pelecanus crispus). An internationally threatened bird species.

Second place overall: Pichaya Lertvilai, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California San Diego

Hatching: Octopus bimaculatus paralarvae emerging from their egg sacs. The emerging paralarves still carried their yolks with them for the first few days of their new journey.

Second place overall: Upamanyu Chakraborty, no affiliation

Tale of ants: Weaver ants are social animals. This photograph is a close-up of a weaver ants colony where the ants transport their immature members to a safer location.

Overall Student Winner: Pablo Javier Merlo, National University of Córdoba, Argentina

Rapid waterfall: Cypseloides senex is a species of swift known in Latin America literally as “Waterfall swift”. It is located on the steep rock faces (up to 80 meters high) of the Iguazu Falls, frequently flying near and through these falls offering a unique spectacle.

Category 1 – Up close and personal

An image that shows the intricacies of nature using macro or close-up photography.

Winner: Michal Smielak, University of New England, Australia

Breath. To adapt. Relax.: Bearded chameleon (Rieppeleon brevicaudatus), with its rather disappointing “beard” consisting of a few raised scales. The species is endemic to the mountains of the eastern arc of Tanzania and Kenya. This was spotted during a night walk in the Udzungwas.

Student Winner: Lauren Henly, University of Exeter

look into my eyes: This clownfish (Cheilinus undulatus) swam at me at the end of a dive on the Great Barrier Reef and looked me in the eye.

Category 2 – Dynamic ecosystems

Demonstration of interactions between different species within an ecosystem.

Winner: Peter Hudson, Penn State University

The rattle dance of the Roadrunner: A roadrunner dances around a western diamond-backed rattlesnake, keeping its wings and feathers uncovered with the body hidden, thus minimizing death should the snake strike.

Student Winner: Sam J England, University of Bristol

In the lion’s den: A jumping spider (family Salticidae) sits on the edge of its lair, built on the underside of a fallen leaf in the rainforests of Costa Rica, triumphantly feasting on its unfortunate insect prey.

Category 3 – Individuals and populations

A unique look at a species in its environment, alone or as part of a population.

Winner: David López-Idiáquez, Center for Functional and Evolutionary Ecology (CEFE-CNRS) and the University of the Basque Country

Last meal of the day: At the salt marshes of Villeneuve-lès-Maguelone near Montpellier (France), a group of greater flamingos (Phoenicopterus roseus) feeds just before the end of the day.

Student Winner: Elena Racevska, University of Oxford Brookes

I see you: A Madagascar nightjar (Caprimulgus madagascariensis), resting during the day.

Category 4 – People and nature

An interesting and original interpretation of the relationships between people and nature.

Winner: Alwin Hardenbol, University of Eastern Finland

Housing for the threatenedIn Varanger, the black-legged kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla) often like to nest on decrepit buildings. It is quite a fascinating behavior for this internationally vulnerable bird species.

Student Winner: Elena Racevska, University of Oxford Brookes

This is our playgroundAs day turns to night, enchanted tourists have gathered to witness the grandeur of the baobabs amidst an intensely colored sunset. The trees were tall and silent, as they have done for centuries. Suddenly, as if out of nowhere, two children appeared. Rolling through this theater of fading light and shadow. Claiming their playground.

Category 5 – Ecology in action

A showcase for the practice of ecology in action.

Winner: Peter Hudson, Penn State University

Wolf Charm: My student Ellen is observed by enthralled visitors to Yellowstone as she examines one of her study animals, a wolf killed in a struggle for domination. This female was exiled from the Junction Butte pack after killing the pups of the alpha female, her sister.

Student Winner: James Orr, Trinity College Dublin

Steady flow: This photograph is a panorama consisting of multiple long exposure photographs of the Milky Way over an experimental flow system made up of 128 mesocosms. As part of my PhD, I helped conduct a multiple stressors experiment by testing the individual and combined effects of different climate change stressors on freshwater food webs. Each of the 128 mesocosms, or middle worlds, had a different ecosystem from bacteria to fish. The pumps constantly pushed water from the nearby river to eight main water tanks and then down through our mesocosms for five weeks straight, day and night.

Category 6 – The art of ecology

A creative and original vision of photography that denotes ecology.

Winner: Roberto García Roa, University of Valencia

Mouth: A Cope’s Vine Snake (Oxybelis brevirostris) exhibits conserved behavior of some reptiles through Squamata phylogeny. Despite being harmless, they have no venom, these snakes open their mouths to scare off predators when they are discovered. Although they are not used to attacking, they move quickly with their mouths open offering a scenario that many animals eventually decide to abandon.

Student Winner: Sanne Govaert, University of Ghent

Common nettle: Urtica dioica is a species often considered a pest. But beauty is in the eye of the beholder.


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