Books search for museums in the Arab world


Sharjah: Omid Abdul Karim Ibrahim

Museums, in their various forms, act as a memory for peoples and as a link between past and present, and there are many factors that highlight their importance and the need to establish them. Among them, for example, is that it includes an enormous amount of information and data that serve various areas of life, and is also a main and reliable reference for various research and studies, and at a time when we see various forms of it. ; Such as art museums, natural history museums, rare collection museums and many others; However, it is evident that there is no book museum in the Arab world, which raises a question as to the reasons that prevent the establishment of this type of museum, especially if we imagine those thousands of rare editions of books that are subject to trade and culture of individual acquisition.

The views of a number of UAE and Arab writers and intellectuals in this survey differed on the reasons that hinder the creation of such museums in Arab countries.

Writer and researcher Muhammad Nour al-Din believes museums in the Arab world in general need to be reviewed, as the Arab world has little interest in what he has written in the past, and we can divide these countries into two parts: The first section includes countries that pay more attention to the future than in the past, including developed countries in the Arab world, and the second part includes Arab countries that are financially poor and rich in terms of culture and heritage, and the latter may not have the necessary infrastructure to establish museums Of every kind.

The lack of museums for books is due to the fact that the idea is currently amorphous in the Arab world, which sees museums only in tangible heritage, especially things that have great material value. As for books and the like, there is little interest in them. It is true that there are some authors or collectors who are interested in this aspect, but this is not considered a museum as much as it is a collection of collections collected by those interested; Because it is better to classify these collectibles and if there are any items of historical, geographical or other importance, they must be placed in a museum appropriately and presented to future generations, and among the things of value that should also be looked after as museum pieces; Songs and videos from movies, series, shows, etc., all these works need to be archived first; Since we also have a penchant in archiving, then we can put the distinctive or central works that have been a major turning point in the history of our countries or in the history of mankind.

Pulse of life

Writer and researcher Khaled Issa points out that books are much more important than being formality or artistic masterpieces placed on shelves for remote viewing, as is the case with paintings that we read from afar and give us a general overview of their subject, and the same goes for art forms and the effects of people and others. that; As for the books, their covers, formats and titles; It will not show what it has in its stomach, nor will it give us any idea of ​​its contents, and so I think the work should first focus on creating centers for archives which act as places that can be used to conduct research, and are also a library. historical effective and alive for the benefit of all, and here it is worth noting the need for. In order for these centers to be modern and adopt the method of electronic copying and are open to the world, this would be more advantageous than creating a museum.

This library, which I call “humanity,” will be vibrant and another part in it could serve as a hub for researchers, writers, writers and creators, and provide them with the mothers of books that serve their fields, research and studies; With the emphasis on the need to open up to the cultures of other peoples, and to read the other in order to share above all humanity; So that we present and water knowledge at the same time.

Emirati model

Academic critic and d. Maryam Al-Hashemi spoke in this context by presenting a historical overview of museums, and states that the Romans used the word museum to express the place dedicated to philosophical discussions, and museums developed from the mid-9th century to have cultural and cognitive value over time. , as they are the mirror of peoples and societies in their various artistic and scientific forms, historical, geographic, children’s museums, book museums, etc. Museums are closely linked to society; In addition to its association with scientific and cultural institutions, and when the question of book museums is raised, the question of the absence of book museums in the Arab world arises; It saddens me that the “Juma Al Majid Center for Culture and Heritage Dubai” did not get the right to present educated and interested audiences; Not only in the UAE, but also in the Arab world. Because it is a center aimed at all Arabs, interested in the Arab and human heritage.

If the word “museum” means to preserve, document, exhibit, preserve human and artistic heritage and disseminate knowledge, then the “Juma Al Majid Center for Culture and Heritage” has become more comprehensive and more useful than recognized museums, and it goes beyond what the museum was established for it into a center that allows, displays, preserves, collects and acquires manuscripts and historical documents Political and ancient and rare periodicals; Rather, the documents come from multilingual archives, as well as digital, film and paper photographs and international manuscripts; In addition to the rare books that were purchased by the heirs of scholars from the east and west.

Noble idea

Establishing a museum for books is a noble idea and an important national project, according to writer and novelist Fathia al-Nimr, who believes that there is nothing to hinder its implementation and translation in the field if the idea were made it clear to officials that they are happy to be interested in such work, and we have a large number of writers, poets, storytellers and researchers in the Emirates who have made literary works and left rich monuments that we would like to see and study, and such monuments are considered objects of ‘antiques and collectibles worthy of conservation and celebration, and perhaps such projects exist in the first place, but under other names, and I hope they receive the necessary attention that befits them in a country like the Emirates, and in the light of existence of A leadership that pays great attention to culture and books.

In Azerbaijan, I heard about such a museum, and I was eager to visit it without the lack of time, and I remember that the guide told us that this museum includes very old books dating back centuries, which tell the history of the country and its link with Arab culture, and I really hope there is so much beauty and value in our country To be a legacy for future generations.

Minds Extract

The writer and writer Asma Al-Zarouni points out that the book is the companion we are not tired of, and the smell of paper carries us between letters and words, feelings, ideas and a summary of the minds of thinkers, writers and others, and it is strange that book museums are absent from our Arab world and we are the ones who started writing, and I have only heard about the Book Museum In a beautiful city, Baku, which is located in the heart of Azerbaijan, where lovers books are flocking from everywhere, but there is no doubt that we have an interest in books and their publication, as well as in publishing houses and publishing houses. Sultan bin Muhammad Al Qasimi, Member of the Supreme Council and Ruler of Sharjah, in museums; It is now possible to see museums that embrace our Gulf and Arabian heritage and nature throughout the Emirate of Sharjah, but book museums are absent from us, which are important to everyone.

Raising this topic made me think back to my school days and prompted me to ask: where have all these books gone? I missed the primary school books; I wished we had a book museum and those books were in his heart.


Writer and novelist Nasser Iraq says we must admit we don’t know much about the term “book museums”. This is because our entire Arab world does not have a single museum for a book, which is as deplorable as it is baffling, and there are most likely three main reasons why no Arab country has established a book museum, namely: First: the decline in the reading rate in general, and second: the high Illiteracy rate is alarming in our Arab world; Third: the spread of high prices in general in most Arab countries. What made the majority unable to provide basic necessities like food, shelter, etc., and obviously this was reflected in the decline in book sales and attention to them, regardless of its form.

I well remember that during my visit to the Azerbaijani capital Baku four years ago, I went to visit the Book Museum there, and I was happy with what I saw; Where I saw the big books and they were written in very small books, for example I saw the holy books of heaven less than the size of the palm of a hand, and was surprised by Tolstoy’s wonderful war and peace copied in a book of non more than 5 x 7 centimeters, and therefore this fantastic museum included hundreds of famous books throughout history.


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