Hard fork set by Ethereum Constantinople for the January release


Last month, Unhashed reported on the delay of Ethereum's tough gallows of Constantinople. The proposed update, which introduces five improvements compatible with previous versions of the blockchain, suffered from consensus issues during its testnet implementation.

The new release date was revealed during a main development meeting held on Friday November 9th. Wednesday, January 16th is the suggested date for the mainnet version. Of course, this day could change, should problems arise along the way.

"We can only say in mid-January, it makes no difference whether we decide on an appointment or not, and we can always postpone it," explains developer Péter Szilágyi.

Ethereum Preparation for the update

As reported by Coindesk, Constantinople has already been codified in the largest Ethereum customers, such as the Ethereum Foundation and the U.K based Parity. The most famous customers exceed $ 20 billion in cryptocurrency.

In addition, the developer Lane Rettig spoke of a "difficulty bomb". This feature is incorporated into the Ethereum code and makes the blocks more difficult to use over time. The goal here is to push the constant network updates, lowering the time once again.

Mr Rettig said the bomb would come into force in January, which means that we will have 30 seconds of shutdown by the spring of 2019.

"So we have time, there are no critical concerns," says Rettig.

The update of Constantinople will push the bomb into trouble for another 18 months. However, it will also reduce the mining reward of Ethereum from three ETHs to two.

However, ProgPoW, an update that blocks ASIC miners on the Ethereum network, was not presented during the meeting. It is still a question of whether this functionality will do so in Constantinople, but recent reports indicate that the code is not complete.

Despite everything, Szilágyi wants the swingarm of Constantinople to be out before the end of 2018:

"All customers should release a stable version with the block number fired before Christmas."

Finally, ETHNews reports that Afri Shoedon, another major developer, he tweeted that the number of the final block for the update of Constantinople the Black Friday will be confirmed:

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