Yangcheon-gu Sinwol Municipal Apartment, passed the first conditional precise safety examination for reconstruction


Shinwol Municipal Apartment in Yangcheon-gu, Seoul. [사진=네이버부동산]
Shinwol Municipal Apartment in Yangcheon-gu, Seoul. [사진=네이버부동산]
[이뉴스투데이 이하영 기자] Shinwol Municipal Apartment (Shinwol Municipal) in Sinwol-dong, Yangcheon-gu, Seoul passed the first security check for conditional reconstruction.

According to the Yangcheon-gu office on the 27th, the Shinwol Municipal Apartment was rated Class D (49.89 points), which was subjected to the first accuracy safety certificate for reconstruction.

Reconstruction safety diagnosis is divided into △ Grade A ~ C maintenance / repair (rebuild is not allowed), grade D is conditional reconstruction (requires public agency verification) and △ Grade E is determined to confirm the reconstruction. Grade D is between 31 and 55 out of 100 points and the final step is decided through the second detailed safety diagnosis (appropriate review) by the public institutions (Korea Institute of Construction Technology and Facilities Safety Corporation).

Completed in 1988, Shinwol Municipal Apartment is a large complex with up to 12 floors, 20 buildings and a total of 2,256 households with an exclusive area of ​​43-59㎡. The building / land ratio and the floor area ratio are only 12% and 132% respectively, which is rated as having excellent reconstruction feasibility.

Yangcheon-gu is also a region that has recently received attention for the “second construction plan of the Seoul railway network” announced by the government. Under this plan, a new light rail line of the Mokdong Line will be established from Sinwol Station in Yangcheon-gu to Dangsan Station in Yeongdeungpo-gu. When the light rail is built, traffic problems in Mok-dong and Sinwol-dong are expected to be improved.

Sinwol-dong, where the Shinwol Municipal Apartments are located, is also located in Yangcheon-gu with severe old buildings. As a result, Sinwol 7-dong District 1 and District 2 have applied for public redevelopment projects. If Sinwol 7-dong districts 1 and 2 are selected as public redevelopment areas, the project is completed within 5 years by receiving incentives such as simplification of the permit process, resulting in favorable housing improvement.

The problem is the “house price” which will be hilarious in the development event.

In early June, Mokdong 9 apartment complex passed the first security check among 14 neighboring complexes, raising expectations for reconstruction.

According to the actual transaction price of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, the exclusive area for the Mokdong 9 apartment complex was 74 m2, traded at 966 million won (2nd floor) in November last year. On the other hand, in July, when the first security check was passed, the same plan was changed to 1.175 million won.

The Mokdong 9 apartment complex was ultimately found not to be rebuilt by receiving a grade C (58.55 points), which means maintenance and repair of the second accuracy safety certificate conducted by the Korea Institute of Construction Technology.

If the price rises in anticipation of reconstruction and redevelopment, there is a high chance that related organizations will decide that reconstruction is impossible again.

Seo Jin-hyung, president of the Korean Real Estate Association (Kyungin Women’s University professor), said: “The safety diagnosis of a reconstruction complex should be judged as an objective indicator of the residential environment, but now there is tendency to interpret it politically. “We need to improve by creating standards that can be resonant.”

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