[김문수] The seal stamp goes, the protocol arrives


[출처: 셔터스톡]

[김문수’s Token Biz] The Dojang culture has been cited as the reason Japanese companies cannot easily work from home despite the coronavirus crisis. In addition, there was interesting talk about the custom of Japanese employees inclined to the CEO when they stamp approval documents in the form of a bow. However, even Korea is not exempt from a culture centered around seals and documents. Even when signing a real estate contract worth more than tens of billions of billions of dollars, it is determined that there is nothing wrong with the person’s eye, nodding, after checking the seal on a white sheet with a stamp on it.

1. How long will the seal stamp be effective in front of AI?How accurate is the human eye compared to artificial intelligence (artificial intelligence) in judging the authenticity of a seal? And in the face of increasingly precise AI performance, how long can the seal system be trusted? If you visit a quiz site that compares and matches a virtual face photo created by artificial intelligence with the face of a real person, it is not easy to identify the face of the real person.

An AI algorithm called GAN (Generative Adversarial Network) competes fiercely with a “very authentic counterfeit generator” and “a discriminator that accurately discriminates counterfeits” to create a true counterfeit with a very precise level. It. The GAN algorithm can very easily create fake stamps that are indistinguishable from the human eye.

Furthermore, the validity period of the seal certificate which is usually required is missing. Most government offices and financial institutions require a seal certificate within 6 months of the date of issue. What is the basis for the 6-month standard? Will the trust granted by the national verification agency disappear after 6 months? According to the Government Complaints Information Call Center, seal certificate laws do not set a deadline for seal certificates to be valid. The period known as 6 months is not the validity period of the seal certificate, but the period of validity of the power of attorney.

2. Protocol: rules and commitments for data exchange

While a seal stamp is a promise to send and receive a paper contract, a protocol is a rule and promises to send and receive data. In a decentralized environment, a system that drives community growth through a protocol containing rules in which participants are fairly rewarded is called the Protocol Economy. Protocol economics is a word that appeared frequently in the early days of the blockchain industry. The pioneers who first opened their eyes to the philosophy of a decentralized platform persuaded them to overcome the limits of capitalism through a protocol economy. However, there have been few examples of seriously disruptive innovation across the protocol economy due to early ICO projects and speculative bubbles that were less ready to execute than the white paper.

However, SME Minister Park Young-sun recently met with Hyundai Motor Company and the national delivery manager to introduce and popularize the protocol economy. Minister Park said: “The core of the protocol economy is decentralization and the current platforms are excessively centralized.” They even officially used the word token, saying, “If you create a token in the app and trade it, you can lower the fee.” These are the contents of the first blockchain entrepreneurs.

3. Interesting examples of protocol economics implementation

Real estate investment services that can be traded without a seal stamp have emerged through the economics of protocol. A Korean company called Casa has implemented a real estate securities platform on the blockchain that shares ownership of properties via tokens. With tens of thousands of subscribers, the platform allows you to participate in small investments in commercial buildings and buy and sell shares in commercial buildings without the use of a seal stamp.There is also a service called Music Cow, which allows you to invest and trade rights music authors, while not using a blockchain. We are implementing a protocol economy specializing in music copyright. Bang, put your UI, Yoon Mi-rae’s celebrity fans and artists are participating, including the withdrawal of some of their rights. Fans can auction and sell the music copyright without having to sign a seal on the contract.

Something is a coinless karaoke room. Something works with digital coins, not analog coins. In traditional karaoke, consumers have to pay, but in Something you can earn money by singing well. This is because you can receive donations from netizens in tokens. Something can develop in a community of talented people and fans who support them through a protocol economy that specializes in praise and rewards.

4. The attractiveness of the protocol economy: connectivity and scalability

Protocol economy based services have great advantages in terms of connectivity and scalability. The protocol economy connects around the world via DeFi networks. Although traditional business points are not internationally compatible unless a separate contract is signed, tokens issued by companies on the Ethereum network can circulate their marketing activities around the world. This means that companies can leverage the protocol’s connectivity to expand their potential market.

Also, even if you don’t use a generic Ethereum network and use a private protocol, you can combine it with other platforms through a strategic combination with other protocols. Something, for example, has announced that it will enter the market by adopting the Kakao Clayton protocol in Korea and then entering the market by combining it with the LINE protocol in Japan. Something can be easily expanded by combining the know-how and clearing model verified in Korea with the Naver Line protocol in Japan.

By applying this, if the delivery nation finds a solution to reduce tariffs for small business owners in Korea through the protocol economy, the delivery nation can continue to grow faster by applying a similar mechanism in Vietnam and Japan, where the delivery country has advanced. If Hyundai Motor Company is strategically linked to the protocol economy and DeFi, it can be used in Hyundai Motors’ driver compensation programs sold around the world.

Meanwhile, KOTRA (Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency) has been at the center of the internationalization and overseas expansion of Korean companies in the Korean analog economy. This is because KOTRA has played an important role in many places overseas. As the digital transformation of Korean companies accelerates, it is necessary to think deeply about which protocols can play KOTRA’s role in the international digital economy.

Moonsoo Kim Vice President of aSSIST Business School and Chief Professor of the ABC MBA

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