Russia says International Space Station is falling apart and may need to be abandoned early, plans to go on its own as a replacement


Russia could invoke the spirit of “Mir” by launching its own orbital station after 2024, replacing the ISS. The current setup was expected to work until 2030, but there are signs that it may not be possible.

The new Russian replacement proposal is expected to consist of three to seven modules, with a crew of up to four people.

Moscow’s plans were revealed by Vladimir Solovyov, the first deputy general designer of RSC Energia, the company that manages the Russian segment of the ISS. According to him, several elements on the international station are already failing and by 2025 things will get worse.

“Until 2025, Russia has an obligation to participate in the ISS program”, Solovyov explained to the Russian Academy of Sciences. “There are already a number of elements that have been seriously damaged and are out of order. Many of them are not replaceable. After 2025, we expect a failure similar to an avalanche of numerous elements aboard the ISS. “

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The ISS regularly has problems. Last month, the Russian module Zvezda suffered a crack. At the time, former cosmonaut Ivan Vagner explained that it may have been caused by usury.

“Twenty years is actually an absolute record for all space stations”, He explained.

At present, Russia has an obligation to participate in the ISS program until 2025, and thereafter the costs may be too prohibitive.

Writing on Twitter, the head of the Roscosmos space agency, Dmitry Rogozin, said it was too early to deactivate the international project but that some modules may need to be replaced.

“I think it’s too early to cancel the station”, Rogozin he wrote. “I see the great potential of the ISS for the development of space tourism and the participation of private space companies.”

The proposed Russian-built replacement for the ISS is currently under development and is expected to be deployed after 2024. The Russian orbital station will be capable of operating autonomously and will be operated by a crew of two or four. In May, Rogozin explained that an ISS replacement was in the works, but it was not yet clear whether he would be visited or inhabited, nationally or internationally.

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