Over 11 million people have joined MeWe, let’s take a look at some stats! | Qooah


Recently, one of the hottest topics from Hong Kong netizens, aside from social issues that never stopped, is discussing the migration of social platforms, with most people choosing to leave Facebook and invest in MeWe. Being the most ideal replacement for Facebook currently, MeWe’s number of users has skyrocketed overnight. Let me take a look at the relevant data.

In the official MeWe update group, Jason Hardy, one of the administrators, posted a Thanksgiving thank you post. He pointed out that more than 11.6 million users have already signed up for the MeWe social platform. He thanked everyone for their willingness to leave the social platforms they are used to now, because leaving a platform could lose some contact with friends, and also have to adapt to a new platform and mobile app.

If you are not familiar with the MeWe platform yet, you may think that MeWe has only recently appeared. In fact, it’s not. According to Wikipedia, MeWe was founded in the United States as early as 2012. The founder is Mark Weinstein. It wasn’t until 2015 that MeWe completed the test cycle, but its positioning has to compete with Facebook. However, during this time of year there was still Google’s Google+ platform, so MeWe had almost no ability to shake the status of the two giants.

What has changed in MeWe recently? Due to this year’s US elections, social media platforms have undergone drastic changes. Traditional platforms like Facebook, Twitter and even YouTube have conducted political censorship directly and rudely to dissatisfy a large number of users, so everyone has started looking for new social platforms and the operating method is similar to Facebook.Of course we have attracted everyone. Let’s take a look at some data on the ranking of App downloads from AppAnnie (see the iOS version and then the Android version):

▲ It can be seen that MeWe’s explosive growth took place in early November. The iOS version successfully reached the top of the US social program charts on November 9th. At the time, Hong Kong and Taiwan weren’t paying attention yet.

▲ Until November 20, the social program ranking and even the overall Hong Kong ranking have been ranked first, and the growth rate is quite amazing.

▲ As for Taiwan, although it has not been at the top of the list so far, it is still evident that it is growing rapidly and I believe it will soon reach the top of the list.

As for Android version The situation is similar:

▲ As of November 11, MeWe rushed to second place in social programs in the Play Store in the United States and third on the overall list. Even if I couldn’t ask for the first place, this result is already very good.

▲ On November 19th, MeWe reached the top spot in the Hong Kong Play Store’s social programs ranking, and the overall ranking is ninth.

▲ From November 24 to today (November 27), MeWe has risen to second place in the overall ranking of Hong Kong.Lost to the safe government trip (Hello Hong Kong people, okay?).

▲ In Taiwan, it ranked first in the social programs category on November 26, and the overall ranking is also rapidly increasing.

The current development of MeWe is obviously in an explosive period, can it control and balance Facebook? Performance this year will be very critical. At the moment, MeWe still gives you the impression that it is a “new social platform”, with better features than Facebook and some of its imperfections. We believe that MeWe has started to rewrite the existing framework of social networking sites, so will everyone promote it? Very critical. Eventually, will MeWe become the next Google+ or Facebook? It all depends on everyone!

Readers and friends who have opened MeWe, please follow the MeWe page of this site, click on the link below or scan the QR code, thanks for your support:


Qooah is now on MeWe, follow the image immediately:

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