UK Parachutes Tested in Oregon’s Madras Desert for Mars Mission | news


In the Madras Desert, Oregon, a team of British scientists waited for an object weighing a small car to be dropped from a balloon 18 miles into the stratosphere, and then watched as it crashed to Earth.

The plan was to see if they could prevent the 800 kg piece of metal from leaving a crater in the landscape.

After 23 seconds of free fall, the first parachute opened. Then, less than 30 seconds later, a second parachute arrived – this 35 meters wide and made of nylon thinner than paper – which ensured that the giant test vehicle would survive its fall from the sky.

Rosalind Franklin rover will search for evidence of life on Mars

Rosalind Franklin rover will search for evidence of life on Mars


Within a minute the test was over and it was confirmed that the two parachutes designed by

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