X-rays reveal clues to the 1900-year-old mummy


Scientists they experimented with a new technique that allows them to investigate the interior of a 1900 year old mummy without having to open and tamper with the ancient artifact.
The researchers used a new combination of CT (computed tomography) and X-ray diffraction technology to reveal clues to a Egyptian mummy from the Roman era, discovered in Hawara, Egypt.

For nearly a century, Egyptian mummies remained unharmed during X-ray examination.

Experts used CT scans and X-ray diffraction to find out more about the ancient corpse. (CNN)

In the findings outlined in the Journal of the Royal Society on Tuesday, the team of researchers described using a combination of CT scan and X-ray diffraction for the first time, revealing clues to the ancient corpse lying inside.

Using a CT scan to create a “three dimensional roadmap” of the file contents mummy, experts projected X-rays smaller than the diameter of a human hair onto the mummy to identify objects inside the article’s casings, lead author Stuart Stock told CNN.
Technology has revealed clues to the ancient corpse, including a small scarab in the abdomen. (CNN)

What experts from Northwestern University, Argonne National Laboratory, and Denver’s Metropolitan State University found on the body, believed to belong to a five-year-old boy, surprised them.

“This opaque object is just the right shape for a beetle,” said Stock.

“The scarab is the symbol of rebirth.”

The object provides further clues to the mummy’s social status – although not real, “this person was at the top of society” if such pure material was used in their burial, Stock said.

“They could afford a scarab and a mummification, which required an enormous amount of resources,” he said.

A study of the body also showed that the girl, believed to be a girl, did not endure a violent end.

“There appears to be no skeletal trauma,” Stock said.

“We don’t know why this baby died.”

The portrait of the mummy dated it to 150-200 AD (CNN)

A portrait attached to the mummy also reveals further clues to its occupant, with the hairstyle depicted tracing the mummy to between AD 150 and 200.

Portrait mummies have a lifelike depiction of the deceased embedded in the mummy’s casings and placed on the person’s face.

Experts believe the technique could be used for further studies of the mummies, providing further clues to the object buried alongside the ancient corpses, without the need to disturb and tamper with the bodies.

“Back then (in the Victorian era), they would have taken them apart,” Stock told CNN.

“We don’t like doing it anymore.”

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