“Natural Laws” We Don’t Know Yet Making the Human Brain and the Universe Strikingly Similar – BBC News Thailand


Brain and stars

Duo of Italian astrophysicists and neurosurgeons Use mathematical calculations to compare structural similarities. In addition to other strikingly similar characteristics Between the tiny human brain and the vast universe

They believe that there is a certain natural law that governs the fundamental things. Which is responsible for making things seem superficial and make a big difference. Like the human brain and the universe Instead, they essentially have something in common.

Although a network of hundreds of billions of connected neurons in the brain had been observed previously for a long time. It is very similar to the network of The cosmic network, the most basic structure in the universe, is connected to galaxies and clusters of galaxies.

The fibers are made up mainly of dark matter and gas clusters that produce stars. The gravitational forces of dark matter in cosmic fibers cause clusters of galaxies to separate from space into space. And linked together in a network like yak yai

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The cosmic network, which has a complex structure similar to that of brain neurons, is linked together.

In the latest research published in the journal Frontiers in Physics, Dr. Franco Vazza of the University of Bologna and Dr. Alberto Feletti of the University of Verona, Italy. He studied the human brain and the universe What are the most complex systems in nature. Causing many amazing facts to be found together

Although the brain and the universe differ in size by 27 places (order of magnitude), or about 1 billion, billion, billion times the size. But there is a similar level of complexity and organization that is calculated. While the human cerebellum contains about 70 billion neurons. The cosmic fibers of the observable part of the universe contain over 100 billion galaxies.

The flow of information and energy between each node represents 25% of the total mass and energy of the system. This figure is calculated equally for both the human brain and the structure of the universe.

On Essentials Issues The brain is 77% nourished, while the universe has 72% dark energy as its main component, both remarkably similar. And they are all that penetrate the system without playing a clear role in the internal structure either.

There was also a comparison of the cerebellum brain tissue. In the cosmic fiber network model, 300 light years wide, the distribution of matter in the brain, 1 μm-0.1 mm in length, was found in the same pattern as the cosmic fiber network is thought to be. Distance 5 million – 500 million light years

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A 40-fold magnification of the cerebral cortex of the cerebellum (left) and the 300 light-year wide web of cosmic fibers.

Human brain neurons and galaxies They tend to be more concentrated at central junctions than others, and have a similar ratio of connections per connection point, and also a “memory” containing complex system information. Even together It is estimated that the human brain can store about 2.5 petabytes of information, while saving the entire universe requires 4.3 petabytes.

Dr Vazza and Dr Faletti hope that their preliminary pilot study will help pave the way for a better understanding of the natural laws behind the universal organization of things. “Some rules connect two extremely different systems to be consistent. And you follow similar physical principles. In the end, they’re more like the same subunit in themselves,” Faletti said.

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