The city council has expressed some concerns about the impact of traffic on the new position proposed Costco – Kelowna News


Traffic woes around a proposed new Costco location on Baron and Leckie roads will likely be on councilors’ minds when a zone change application is submitted at a public hearing next month.

The town has given initial approval Monday afternoon, but many around the table have raised concerns about traffic.

“I have significant concerns about the traffic potential,” Coun said. Charlie Hodge. “I can’t wait to hear what happens in the public trial.”

Coun. Loyal Wooldridge shared the same concerns, wondering if the great reconquest was just land use to be tied up for 30-40 years, acknowledging that it might only be temporary depending on how the retail climate changes.

Planner Ryan Smith indicated that a large, primarily residential development on the property may not be much better in terms of traffic conditions, especially during the morning and afternoon rush hours.

“When you start talking about residential on this site, it has its traffic challenges because people go to work between 7:30 and 9:00 and come back between 3:30 and 5:30,” Smith said.

“So you end up with those towering peaks that coincide with the peaks of this area.”

Smith indicated that intersections around the proposed site, near both the Superstore and Dilworth Shopping Center, are reaching capacity.

But, if approved, it said Costco has pledged $ 2.5 million to improve crossings in the area.

Even with these improvements, the Council. Brad Sieben wondered if the intersections would be able to work.

The large undeveloped parcel is currently zoned into A1 agricultural zones, however, Smith pointed out that it is not within the Farmland Reserve as noted.

“The property is located within our midtown inner city and was designated for mid- and high-density residential development,” he said.

Smith says when the question first came to the planning department, staff investigated whether it would compromise residential goals within the urban center.

“The staff would suggest no for two reasons. First, the staff are now fielding many requests for other properties in this area for larger scale mixed-use development.

“We believe we will achieve these goals in both cases.”

He says that while the OCP plans about 1,100 new units in the urban downtown area, it could be closer to 2,000.

It’s just not clear. says, what will be the timing of those.

“In terms of the hierarchy of our urban centers, it is probably the furthest behind becoming a true urban center, which is another reason we looked at this site,” Smith said.

If the board ultimately gives Costco the green light, there is no clear indication of what would happen with the current position, owned by Costco.

Smith says in the traffic study, the current store on Highways 97 and 33 was designated as a large retail store with less traffic generation.

Something like a Home Depot, he indicated.

The public will have the opportunity to provide their feedback at the public hearing on the zone change, scheduled for 8 December, at 4:00 pm.

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