Fight to the death T-Rex and Triceratops to be revealed to the public


Fight to the death T-Rex and Triceratops to be revealed to the public
Dueling Dinosaurs Credit: Twitter

IN a world first, the fight to the death of the skeletons of T-Rex and Triceratops will be revealed to the public. The couple have been buried for 67 million years.

It took several years to unveil the “Dueling Dinosaurs” after they were discovered in Montana, USA in 2006. The discovery was made by several friends. This is the first complete T-Rex to have been unearthed and the incredible find is complete with the bones stored in their place and even skin impressions.

The Daily Mail reports that “Tyrannosaurus rex and Triceratops horridus – nicknamed the ‘Dueling Dinosaurs’ – are kept together in what is believed to be a predator-prey encounter, where both fought to the death.

Body contours, skin imprints and wounds – including Tyrannosaurus teeth embedded in the Triceratops’ body – can still be seen 67 million years after the ferocious battle. “

The North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences has now reached the remnants of the property, worth millions, thanks to the efforts of generous donors. Soon visitors will be able to experience a truly unique experience.

The museum’s director, Eric Dorfman said: “The museum is excited to have the unique opportunity of hosting and search for one of the most important paleontological discoveries of our time

“Not only are we able to uncover unknown details of the anatomy and behavior of these animals, but our new dedicated facility and educational programs will allow us to interact with the public locally, throughout North Carolina and throughout. the world”.

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