Windows turns 35!


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It can be said that Microsoft Windows is the most popular consumer PC operating system, it was first launched on November 20, 1985 and it’s been 35 years. However, the first Windows was not the operating system itself, as it is now, but a “shell” layer built on top of MS-DOS, which provides another way to operate and start the software and provides extremely limited multi-window multitasking capabilities. . .

However, at the beginning of its launch, Windows 1.0 was not popular. Besides the fact that there aren’t many people who own a mouse, the threshold for using Windows is quite high. Windows 1.0 also consumes too many system resources and slows down significantly. The speed of the system. Subsequently, Windows gradually evolved. In between, relatively popular products such as 95/98, XP and 7 were introduced, and there were also less popular versions like ME, Vista and 8, to date (should be considered popular) Windows Up to 10.

Although in terms of total number of users, the number of Windows users has been surpassed by mobile devices – for example, Android has more than 2 billion users – but desktop computers are still the main force for many people to work with and play. The 35-year-old is in the prime of life and Windows will dominate the market for many years.

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