The plant “has evolved to become less visible to humans” | news


For most of its evolution, Fritillaria delavayi had no natural predators. Nothing eats it: it does not need to fear the grazers. So he was proud and colorful in the Chinese hills.

But then some humans decided it treated scrofula, a form of tuberculosis, and now in much of the country it’s changed to dull gray and brown. Initially, the color variation of the high altitude Fritillaria delavayi, found in the mountains of Sichuan province, was a mystery to scientists.

“Like other camouflaged plants we have studied, we thought this fritillary’s camouflage evolution was driven by herbivores, but we have not found such animals,” said Dr. Yang Niu, of the Kunming Institute of Botany. The plant is bitter and alkaline, and there

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