New York Stock Exchange, Crown 19 Rising Crisis Dow Closes 0.75% Lower


On the New York Stock Exchange, the main index fell due to anxiety over the worsening of the situation of the new coronavirus infection (Corona 19) in the United States.

On the 20th (hereafter Eastern Time Zone), the Dow Jones 30 Industrial Average on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) closed at 29,263.48, down 219.75 points (0.75%) from the battlefield.

The Standard & Poor’s (S&P) 500 index closed at 3,557.54, down 24.33 points (0.68%) from the battlefield, and the technology-oriented NASDAQ index closed at 11,854.97 , down 49.74 points (0.42%).

The Dow Index fell 0.73% this week. The S&P 500 was down 0.77%, while the Nasdaq was up 0.22%.

The market witnessed the spread of Corona 19 and the controversy over US fiscal and monetary stimulus measures.

In the United States, the number of new cases confirmed by the crown19 the day before, exceeded 187,000, reached an all-time high. The number of deaths per day has exceeded 2,000 and the number of hospitalized patients has exceeded 80,000.

Considering the rate of increase in confirmed cases, it is feared that the number of deaths will increase rapidly.

Lockdown measures in various parts of the United States have also been tightened, including the state of California which has established a night curfew.

There has also been an increase in the assessment that economic damage is inevitable, as JPMorgan expects the US economy to retreat again in the first quarter of next year due to the deterioration of Corona 19 in the winter.

In particular, there are fears that the situation will get worse with the onset of Thanksgiving, when a huge change will occur next week.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) urged them to refrain from traveling to family reunions and other Thanksgiving events.

The positive news about the Corona 19 vaccine continues.

Pfizer and Bioentech have applied for emergency use of the vaccine to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). FDA emergency use is expected to be approved by mid-December.

UK authorities have also entered the Pfizer vaccine approval process. UK health secretary Matt Hancock said the vaccine could start in December if the vaccine is approved.

Although the vaccine release is imminent, general vaccination takes longer, so it is not possible to relieve anxiety about the immediate crisis.

The controversy over US fiscal and monetary stimulus measures also undermined investor sentiment.

The stimulus controversy arose when the US Treasury Department announced it would terminate some of the Federal Reserve’s emergency loan programs at the end of the year without extending them.

The Fed immediately protested, saying the program had to continue.

As the actual use of the Fed’s lending program was insignificant, it was previously argued that financial resources should be used for other purposes, such as subsidies.

In an interview with CNBC on the same day, Minister Manusin also insisted that there are sufficient funds for Fed loans if needed and that unused funds should be spent where needed, such as SME support. through the re-proposed Congress.

However, in a situation where the Corona 19 re-proliferation crisis has risen again, the Ministry of Finance announces it by surprise, and the Fed opposes it, and the market is unstable.

In particular, concerns are raised about the end of the program, which is believed to have played a role in stabilizing the market, such as the purchase of corporate bonds.

Jeffrey Gundlock, the chief executive of Double Line Capital, called the king of new bonds, was concerned about the end of corporate bond support and the fact that “the auxiliary wheel is missing.”

There is still uncertainty over negotiations for new stimulus measures by US politicians.

The Democratic Party revived the investment sentiment by saying it agreed to resume negotiations with the Republican Party on stimulus measures the previous day.

However, according to Politico, a political media, a Republican official refuted that the previous day’s discussion was not about new stimuli, but about a budget that needs to be addressed by early December.

Politico added that some programs, such as the resumption of additional assistance for unemployment benefits, may be included in the budget, but the previous meeting was not a discussion of new overall stimulus measures.

Minister Manusin said on the day that targeted stimulus measures could be discussed, but he also reiterated his view that he hopes the Democratic Party will cooperate.

The Democratic Party has joined the insistence on introducing a comprehensive stimulus package of over $ 2 trillion rather than a targeted stimulus package.

Based on shares that day, the stock price of Gilead, a pharmaceutical company, fell 0.9%. It was influenced by the World Health Organization (WHO) recommendation not to use remdesivir for COVID-19.

By sector, all sectors excluding utilities decreased. Tech stocks fell 1.05% and industrials fell 0.91%.

Experts from the New York Stock Exchange have diagnosed it could lead to the tug-of-war between the anticipation of the Corona 19 vaccine and the immediate crisis.

Aaron Clark, portfolio manager at GW&K Investment Management, said: “The market can see the light at the end of the tunnel.” “I have.”

On the Chicago Options Exchange (CBOE), the volatility index (VIX) was 23.7, up 2.55% from the previous trading day.


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