Hubble Space Telescope Captures ‘Cosmic Cinnamon Bun’


UGC 12588’s Hubble vision shows faint hints of its spiral nature.

ESA / Hubble and NASA, R. Tully; Acknowledgments: Gagandeep Anand

Space can make you feel a sense of wonder, amazement, or excitement. It could also make you feel hungry if you happen to look too long at a freshly baked image of the UGC 12588 galaxy from the Hubble Space Telescope.

The galaxy is a bit strange. It’s a spiral galaxy, but it doesn’t have the well-defined arms like most of its kind. The European space agency described it as a “cosmic cinnamon bun” in a statement on Friday. NASA, which jointly operates Hubble with ESA, also highlighted the image.

Check-out The Hubble point of view of the galaxy NGC 2903, which ESA called “a perfect spiral specimen” to compare the look with UGC 12588. “Unlike the classic image of a spiral galaxy, however, the huge arms of stars and gases in UGC 12588 are very faint. , indistinct and tightly wrapped around its center, “ESA said.

UGC 12588 is located in the constellation of Andromeda. You can still make out a hint of a spiral by visually tracing the blue stars that linger like splashes over the galaxy. ESA said these are likely newly formed star regions.

This galaxy is in good company with others that resemble familiar objects, from to Star Wars TIE fighter such an adorable penguin with an egg. If the international cinnamon bun chain Cinnabon decides to open a franchise in space, we know first where it should look.

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