Hebei Securities Regulatory Bureau Takes Several Measures to Further Improve the Quality of Listed Companies in Its Jurisdiction | Securities Regulatory Bureau | Hebei | Hebei Province_Sina Technology_Sina.com


Original title: Hebei Securities Regulatory Bureau Takes Several Measures to Further Improve the Quality of Listed Companies in Its Jurisdiction

Our reporter Zhao Xueyi

Trainee reporter Zhang Xiaoyu

On November 20, Hebei Securities Regulatory Bureau, Hebei Provincial Financial Supervision and Administration Bureau and Hebei Provincial Listed Companies Association jointly held a seminar on the study and implementation of the “State Council Opinions on Further Improving the Quality of Listed Companies” (hereinafter referred to as “Opinions”) for companies listed in the jurisdiction.

According to the head of the Hebei Securities Regulatory Bureau, improving the quality of listed companies has always been at the heart of the Hebei Securities Regulatory Bureau. With the joint efforts of all parties, Dongfeng B was consistently removed from the list and the bankruptcy and reorganization of the Pangda Group was successfully completed. The number of listed companies in the province whose pledge rate on major shareholders has exceeded 80% has dropped from 9 to the highest level in history to 3. The risk resolution and liquidation work has been successful.

Since the release of the “Opinions”, the Hebei Securities Regulatory Bureau has rapidly implemented the Supervisory Commission working arrangements, held special meetings to study and formulate implementation plans, and jointly issued the “Measures to further improve the quality of listed companies “with local financial supervision offices and issued notices to listed companies to Clarify the focus of supervision. Bureau leaders led the team, took the initiative to visit the port, reported the situation to local governments and state regulatory agencies, made suggestions for risk mitigation, and exchanged views on joint improvement of the quality of listed companies in the jurisdiction.

At the end of the third quarter of 2020, the number of listed companies in Hebei Province reached 60, ranking 14th in the country, basically equal to the GDP ranking, with a total profit of 58.899 billion yuan, equivalent to 41, 06% of the province’s total industrial profits above the designated size; Since the beginning of this year, 3 companies have gone public, 4 companies have to issue IPOs, and 2 companies selected in the New Third Council have been listed.

The heads of the Hebei Securities Regulatory Bureau have put forward specific requirements for the study and implementation of the spirit of “Opinions”: first, to enhance ideological understanding and strengthen the sense of responsibility and mission to implement the “Opinions”. It is necessary to take the promulgation of “Opinions” as an opportunity to take the initiative and act actively. Close the gap, promote the new quality improvement of listed companies and enter a new phase of development.

The second is to take proactive action, effectively implement the “Opinions” and focus on the following five aspects: consolidate the foundations of the governance of listed companies, focus on improving the level of corporate governance; seize the “entry gate” and introduce the water source into the market; unlocked “Customs export”, to effectively implement the delisting system; implement the policy of “system building, no intervention and zero tolerance”, and focus on the repression of illegal behavior in the capital market; address the outstanding problems of taking up illegal capital and collateral and focus on solving the problem. “Erase Debt and Ease Security” to fight for the toughest.

The third is the cohesive power to promote the high-quality development of listed companies. Listed companies must take primary responsibility for high quality development seriously, continue to study and implement the spirit of “Opinions”, be honest and trustworthy, standardize operations and operate consistently; industry associations must play their own self-discipline and service functions fully, and do well in training and advertising; intermediaries; Institutions should play their functional roles and implement the responsibility of the “gatekeeper”; the media should actively guide public opinion and create an atmosphere of strong public opinion; The Hebei Securities Regulatory Bureau will further strengthen communication and cooperation with local and municipal governments, provincial SASAC, provincial finance bureau and other departments. Establish information sharing and improve work mechanisms; government departments, especially financial supervision departments, should take the initiative to assume territorial responsibilities and coordinate efforts to seek development, prevent risks, promote reforms and ensure stability and jointly build a good development ecology of capital markets in their jurisdictions.

In addition, the Hebei Securities Regulatory Bureau also conducted in-depth discussions with the financial offices of Hebei Province and municipalities and the Xiongan New District Reform and Development Office on the promotion and implementation of “Opinions” , and jointly promoted the prevention of risks and the development of the main listed companies in the jurisdiction. Policy, to form a consensus on the next stage of the global launch of special governance actions for listed companies and jointly promote the improvement of the quality of listed companies.

Peng Jinghui, Deputy Director of Hebei Province Local Financial Supervision Bureau, and Li Guang, Deputy Director of Hebei SASAC, respectively, presented specific ideas, measures and requirements for the implementation of the “Opinions” from the point of view of supervision. local finance and supervision of state-owned assets. The relevant experts from the China Securities Regulatory Commission listing department conducted in-depth interpretations on the context, main content and implementation methods of the “Opinions”. Teachers from the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges gave special lectures on corporate governance of listed companies, internal control and improving the quality of information disclosure.

The effective control of the general office of the Hebei provincial government, the state commission for the supervision and administration of assets, the heads of the administration for the financial supervision of each city and the office for the reform and development of the Xiong’an new district, 60 listed companies in Hebei jurisdiction, 2 selected NEEQ companies and 4 companies to be listed The meeting was attended by about 200 people including the chairman, the chairman of the board of directors and the secretary of the board of directors.


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