Ultra hard synthetic diamond made at room temperature


Researchers only relied on high pressure and not high temperatures to produce a synthetic diamond.

The team behind the result are researchers from the Australian National University (ANU) and RMIT University. The findings were published in the Small research publication earlier this month.

According to the ANU editors who profiled the lens, two types of diamonds were made: the type found on an engagement ring and another type of diamond called Lonsdaleite, which occurs naturally at the site of meteorite impacts such as Canyon Diablo in the United States. .

ANU professor Jodie Bradby said a special technique was used to make diamonds form at room temperature.

“The turning point in the story is how we apply pressure. In addition to very high pressures, we also allow carbon to experience something called ‘shear’, which is like a torsion or creep force. We think this allows for carbon atoms. to move into position and form the Lonsdaleite and the normal diamond, ”said Professor Bradby.

Lonsdaleite has special properties and is expected to be 58% harder than normal diamonds.

“Lonsdaleite has the potential to be used to cut ultra-solid materials at mining sites,” said Professor Bradby.

“Creating more of this rare but super useful diamond is the long-term goal of this work.”

Diamonds have potential industrial applications, such as drilling.

Xingshuo Huang, an ANU PhD scholar who works in Professor Bradby’s lab, touted the goal.

“Being able to make two types of diamonds at room temperature was exciting to get for the first time in our lab,” Huang said.

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