Haier Biosciences, the first IoT biosecurity cloud ecosystem, accelerates digital transformation_Sina Technology


Original title: Haier Biology, the first Internet of Things biosecurity cloud ecology, accelerates digital transformation

Our reporter Li Qiaoyu

The occurrence of the new coronary pneumonia epidemic has caused a huge impact on society and the economy, while at the same time promoting the accelerated transformation of various industries. Next generation information technologies such as the Internet of Things and big data have been widely used in the prevention and control of epidemics and in the resumption of work and production. “Digital media” such as online education and telemedicine have affected all aspects of people’s work and life.

The “14th Five Year Plan” has once again underlined the importance of digitalisation and building a healthy China. At the same time, with the enactment of the Biosafety Law, biosecurity was officially incorporated into the national security system. The importance of national health and biosecurity has become increasingly important and a large number of biosecurity companies have sprung up to solve the dilemma of people’s lives with technological innovation. As the world’s leading provider of biosecurity solutions for the Internet of Things, Haier Biosciences uses Internet of Things technology to empower building a healthy ecosystem, driving digital transformation on the path to biosecurity.

New Overweight Infrastructure:

Create a healthy ecosystem

A few days ago, Haier Biotechnology officially released the world’s first IoT biosecurity cloud ecology. Based on user needs for life and health, using technologies such as the Internet of Things and big data to connect web device-based scenes, Haier Biosciences continues to innovate and iterate IoT biosecurity scene solutions and explore biosecurity construction I data centers continue to increase the new national biosecurity infrastructure.

Innovation is the first driving force that drives development. From a leader in cryogenic storage to a provider of biosecurity solutions for the Internet of Things, Haier Biosciences has embarked on a path of innovation from Chinese technology companies. Up to now Haier Biotechnology has a total of 288 US patents and 34 Energy Star certifications, has led or participated in the drafting of 9 national and industry standards and 1 international standard of the World Health Organization. At the end of last month, under the identification of more than ten industry experts including Academician Wang Jun of the Beijing Aeronautics and Astronautics University, four scientific research results from Haier Bio-Smart Vaccine Network and Smart Blood Network have obtained the leading international certification.

While constantly overcoming technical problems, Haier Biosciences is based on the ecological strategy of IoT technology, embraces the new development model and attracts the continuous coupling of high-quality global resources through the ecological co-creation model. During the CIIE, in one day, Haier Biosciences, together with PerkinElmer and Sanofi Pasteur, two major biosafety resources, achieved strategic cooperation in the fields of diagnostics and life sciences, intelligent vaccine management and services and achieved a strategic cooperation. Further expansion of ecological boundaries.

Weaving people’s livelihood network:

Innovative digital applications

At present, based on the in-depth integration of biosafety technology and Internet of Things technology, Haier Biological services have touched on the safety of biological samples, the safety of blood, the safety of vaccines, the safety of medicines and reagents. , laboratory safety and other fields of biosecurity. Full scenario continuous iterative IoT solutions are woven into a large biosecurity network with digitalization as the cornerstone.

Haier Biointelligent Blood Network is a microcosm of the combination of IoT technology and biosecurity technology. Equipped with RFID radio frequency, intelligent chip and other technologies, the intelligent blood network allows each blood bag to have its own “ID card”, so that the blood information of the whole process from the end of the blood draw to the blood can be traced in real time and the blood time is resolved. Problems such as long-term blood safety cannot be guaranteed and blood cannot be distributed. A few days ago, Haier Biosciences extended the stage service from previous hospitals and blood stations to plasma collection stations, integrating the superior resources of the three big Chongqing achievements into the entire range of pulp collection products, including blood stations, hospitals and pulp collection stations. A complete solution provider for all blood safety scenarios. At present, the blood network has been applied in Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Qingdao, Changsha and other cities to ensure the safety of blood storage and scientific and standardized use.

In the field of vaccination, Haier Biotechnology has innovated the “Haile Miao” smart vaccine network, which connects people, machines and vaccines to ensure that “people are good and vaccines are good”, achieving accurate vaccine collection without errors, vaccines problematic in seconds and retrospective inoculation. The trial solved the “last mile” vaccination problem. Focusing on the difficulty of inoculation in remote areas, Haier Bio-Bio iteratively launched the world’s first mobile inoculation platform. At present, the “Hailemiao” smart vaccine network has accumulated nearly 2,000 vaccination points across the country and jointly created an urban smart vaccine network with Shenzhen and Qingdao to build a safe vaccination barrier for people and children in the city.

In the age of the Internet of Things, the user experience comes first. Haier Biosciences has always been driven by user needs on the path of exploring the transformation of the Internet of Things, through green co-creation, technological innovation and iteration of the scene. Ecology has no boundaries and evolution does not stop. In the future, Haier Bio will continue to release the vitality of the biosecurity ecosystem, enabling the flow of life and health data and creating the best user experience.

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