Dueling dinosaur fossils donated to the North Carolina museum


The fossilized skeletons of two dinosaurs intertwined in what appears to be a final deadly encounter were donated to a North Carolina museum.

The skeletons will be donated to the Raleigh Museum’s vertebrate paleontology collection.

Tyrannosaurus rex and Triceratops horridus known as the dueling dinosaurs were buried together 67 million years ago.

Their fossils were discovered on a hill in Montana and remain buried in the sediment where they were found.

The non-profit organization said the particular conservation will give museum paleontologists an unprecedented opportunity for research and education.

The skeletons are worth millions of dollars and have been the subject of a judicial battle over who owned them after their discovery in 2006.

In June, a US appeals court ruled that the fossils belong to the owners of the land surface rights, not the owners of the mineral rights.

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