China had a historic beginning


(Niser sir)
– China continues to flex its space muscles. On Tuesday, it launched a rocket into the area scheduled for a first mission to the moon early next week, reports said. AP. The long March 5 will host Chang 5, which aims to bring rocks and other materials from the moon – the first time humans have done so in more than 40 years, to Nature. The mission requires digging the part of the Chang 5 moon lander about 7 feet below the surface and recovering what it finds. This completes a 2019 mission in which China became the first nation to land a rover on the shores of the moon.

“Taking it to the next level to return samples from the moon is an important technical skill,” says Caroline Van Der Bogart, a planetary geologist at Monster University. China currently has a mission to Mars. An analysis of the soon to be recovered lunar rocks could answer questions about the evolution of the moon and perhaps even shed light on the planets. Nature. As for the first lunar mission, the Chinese rover continues to send photos, and has new ones.

(Read more stories about the moon.)

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