The “robotic trunk” lifts the objects. See what he can do


We could see “octopus robot” – Scientists intend to integrate the new invention into robotic arms.

Australian scientists have expanded the series of nature-inspired robots. They developed a kind of soft robotic gripper or “robotic trunk” that could hold objects firmly.

According to its authors, the device has broad potential for use in various industries where delicate or fragile objects need to be handled – from agriculture and nutrition, through scientific research, to rescue operations and elderly care.

The research work was published in the scientific journal Advanced Materials Technologies.

It gets even better

There are many robotic soft catchers available today. As a rule, however, they lack sensory feedback (they are unable to perceive and control pressure sensitively enough) and the ability to regulate their own stiffness and flexibility.

This limits their use to delicate or fragile objects or indoor use.

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“Many of these soft robotic handles resemble human hands with fingers more bent inward. For this reason, they are not suitable for gripping irregularly shaped, heavy or massive objects or objects smaller or larger than the capture hole.” says research leader Thanh Nho Do.

With colleagues from the University of New South Wales in Sydney, he set out to push these limits. And so he was inspired by nature.

From pythons to elephants

“Animals such as the elephant, python or octopus use soft, continuous structures that grow from their bodies to grasp objects while stabilizing them,” says Thanh Nho Do.

They use highly sensitive palpable organs with the strength of thousands of muscles, the movement of which is not restricted by rigid bones. “Thanks to these bodies, it is easy for them to examine, capture and manipulate objects,” he adds.

New robotic receiver in action:

“For example, an elephant’s trunk makes up 40,000 muscles. We wanted to emulate these abilities. Finally, holding and manipulating objects represent the essential motor skills of many robots,” notes Do.

Inspired by tentacles and trunks, Australian researchers have developed a thin, flat and light device that moves around objects so they can grab and hold onto them.

According to Doa, the new catcher also has an improved real-time pressure sensor that is 15 times more sensitive than conventional alternatives. Record the clamping force to avoid damage to the object being manipulated.

“Our technology can also capture long, thin objects and lift them from confined spaces, as well as capture the handle of a jug,” says the researcher.

Footage from testing a new robotic receiver.

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Footage from testing a new robotic receiver.

Zdroj: UNSW Engineering

Another advantage of the “robotic gripper” is the thermally activated mechanism, which changes the gripping device from fixed to flexible and vice versa. This allows you to grasp and hold objects of different shapes and weights, up to 220 times heavier than the weight of a robotic gripper.

Coming soon?

According to the authors of the device, its manufacturing method is simple and scalable, so it can be made in various sizes.

Additionally, Thanh Nho Do expects that if his team can find a strategic partner in the industry, the facility will be commercially available within the next 12-16 months.

“We are now focusing on optimizing the integrated materials to develop a control algorithm and integrate the gripper into the robotic arms,” ​​says Do.

The Australian researcher adds that he is also working on integrating the device with a tactile glove. “It allows the user to remotely control the receiver and at the same time feel the tactile sensations of the held object,” concludes the scientist.

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