COVID-19: Richmond Row restaurant patrons recommend monitoring for symptoms


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A coronavirus outbreak was declared Monday in a Richmond Row restaurant after three staff members tested positive for COVID-19.

The Middlesex-London Health Unit urges people who visited Delilah last week to self-monitor for coronavirus symptoms.

“The risk of transmission in this situation is low, but it is not zero,” said Alex Summers, associate medical officer of health. “That’s why we ask anyone who has been to Delilah between November 5th and 12th to monitor themselves for the development of COVID-19 symptoms.

“In the meantime, we will continue to follow these people to determine their close contacts, provide the support they need and take steps to prevent any further spread.”

The health unit said it was notified of the three cases between November 12 and 14 and established the link to the restaurant on Monday afternoon.

Delilah management closed the restaurant and bar on November 12th. It opened this month in the former home of the Barking Frog pub in Richmond and John Street.

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