Archaeological Evidence Linked to Pharaoh Taharqa Proves Bible Is “Historically Accurate” – Claim | Science | news


In the 7th century BC, the 25th dynasty came into conflict with the Neo-Assyrian Empire, a conflict described in the 2 Kings of the Bible.

The Bible speaks of the pharaoh Taharqa – from 747 to 656 BC – called to the aid of the Kingdom of Judah to declare war against the king of Assyria Sennacherib.

And according to Tom Meyer, a professor of Bible studies at Shasta Bible College and Graduate School in California, United States, there is ample archaeological evidence of these events.

He told “Archaeological evidence has come to light that proves the historicity of one of the ‘Black Pharaohs’, a line of rulers from the 25th dynasty of Egypt that originated in ancient Nubia or modern day Sudan. northern and ruled all over Egypt for about 100 years.

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