California coasts full of whites bigger than ever


In California, every week is Shark Week.

Winter is coming and just when you thought it was safe to get back in the water … researchers say there are more great white sharks lurking off the coast of California than ever.

Chris Lowe, the director of California State University’s shark laboratory, Long Beach, has already tagged a record 38 sharks, triple the number that were tagged last year.

“Normally they would be gone by now, but instead we’re seeing more sharks than ever,” Lowe told the Guardian.

Lowe found that there is a record number of baby and juvenile sharks staying longer than usual – normally this time of year the sharks will migrate to Baja, California, but this year they haven’t, possibly due to the change climatic. “We could have great white sharks here all year,” Lowe told the paper.

In Monterey Bay, David Ebert, who heads the Pacific Shark Research Center at Moss Landing Marine Laboratories, says he has also seen a similar increase in sharks off the coast.

However, Ebert says this isn’t a cause for concern.

“There are so many people in the water: you have paddleboards, kayaks, wetsuits, but the number of bindings hasn’t changed much. This tells you that people are not on the menu, they are not here chasing people. “

Lowe agreed, telling the Guardian, “They’re keeping the stingray population low and generally don’t care about people.”


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