The Arab world … colonialism again after a century of liberation revolutions! Talal Salman


Posted on: Tuesday 18 February 2020 – 20:20 | Last update: Tuesday 18 February 2020 – 20:20

It is a century of dreams of independence, unity and progress, after which the Arabs woke up to find their country occupied and dependent on its political decision, its wealth not its own, and it transformed from colonies to protectorates that control the its present and future American imperialism with the title of Israel and “Arab reaction”.
Revolts and opposition movements were not long delayed. In the year 1920 the revolution of the twentieth in Iraq was called Basra, and it spread to Najaf and Karbala, and soon Baghdad and Mosul joined it .. and the “solution” was that Prince Faisal bin Sharif Hussein was brought in, that he was “expelled” by the French from Syria was to be installed as the Hashemite king over Iraq … as he sculpted part of western Syria to become the “Emirate of Transjordan” for his brother Abdullah Ibn Sharif Hussein, who is the emirate who will be the actual preparation for the establishment of the Israeli entity on the land of Palestine.
Syria exploded with a great people’s revolution in the year 1925, among its most prominent leaders was Sultan Pasha al-Atrash, and was distinguished by the fact that it gathered Syrians beyond seven and seven, dropping the attempt of France to divide it into four warring states on a sectarian basis.
After that, Palestine erupted with popular uprisings which culminated in 1936 against the Zionist gangs who bought land in Palestine from their owners, and among them were Lebanese, Iraqis, Egyptians … etc, in the context of preparing for the establishment of the “State of Israel” on his land at the expense of his people.
… and the “Nakba” of May 15, 1948, and the declaration of the establishment of Israel on some lands of Palestine, while others “gave” to Prince Abdullah Ibn Sharif Hussein, so that the emirate would become a “kingdom” and half of the Palestinians became refugees distributed in Syria, Lebanon and Egypt (With Gaza, which was kept under his protection ..)
The Russians preceded the Americans in recognizing the State of Israel in the decision of the UN Security Council to establish it in the land of Palestine and at the expense of its people displaced by the “catastrophe” between Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and some Iraq, reaching the Gulf with the title of Kuwait.
Here we are, a century after the end of World War II, and one hundred and three years after the Balfour Declaration, we live in a state of fragmentation and quarrels between their titles that some Arab countries have “favored” the Israeli enemy state (Egypt – Sadat and after they wanted King Hussein), and other countries calmed him (Syria, Hafez al-Assad and Lebanon), while other Arab countries that had never fought Israel as an enemy rushed to recognize him and rushed to reconcile with it … with the testimony of the “Deal of the Century” announced by the President of the United States Donald Trump in collaboration with the Prime Minister of the Israeli enemy Netanyahu, and in the presence of three among the ambassadors of the Arab countries of the Gulf, who were very happy to have witnessed this historic event, they applaud Trump and Netanyahu with much fanfare.
… And here is the head of the Council of the Revolutionary Command in Sudan, General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, traveling to Uganda – Entebbe to meet the head of the Israeli enemy government there, and return to herald an era of peace and interest for the construction of his country, and to grant the Israeli company “El” the right to fly into Sudanese space on its way to Europe.
Only in the space of a hundred years has time turned completely around the Arabs, whether their land is fully or partially occupied; In Saudi Arabia and the Gulf Emirates there are American forces, American and Turkish forces in Qatar, and in Syria Allied Iranian forces and American forces in the east, where oil sources and Turkish forces in the north, with the title of Idlib and beyond, and Russian forces have more than one military base, most notably Hmeimim on the beach between Tartus and Latakia. In Lebanon, American forces in the form of trainers at the military airports of Halat and Rayak.
When and where are the new riots?
This is the question.
And hopefully the Lebanese revolt, under different circumstances, is the beginning.
.. Always with the fear that all forces hostile to change will join forces in the four winds of the Arab land.
Change is forbidden except for the worse According to some, liberation is a departure from the era of urbanization and technology and a return to ignorance, so what does “Arabism” mean? The era of nationalities and patriots is over! This is the United States of America. Its people left their nationality where they were born and arrived there like the others, making it the most powerful country in the world.
At the time of their rebirth, the Arabs were able to present to the world a constellation of philosophers, scientists and poets, proud of them, adopting their creativity, and in them those who added to their intellectual library some of the most dangerous books, including books for the interpretation of the Noble Quran, as well as several books on physics, medicine and astrology. It is no coincidence that among their names or titles there are “Al-Khwarazmi” or “Ibn Sina” and “Al-Tabtaba’i” etc.
Empires are international by the nature of their formation … and if their foundations weaken and crumble, many of their people would restore their original identities, and perhaps create states or renew their old states with new identities.
The well-known Egyptian thinker Louis Awad boasted that the borders of Pharaonic Egypt reached the mountains of Anatolia.
On a previous visit to the University of Oxford, one of its history professors, an old scholar, told me that the first books that were set up for the great library in it were brought by a traveler who witnessed the destruction of the ‘Andalusia and the burning of its luxurious libraries, which contained the most important creations of human thought, science, culture and history, medicine, pharmacy and research in astronomy AND in the movement of waves and space science.
The Arab dilemma now: how to catch up with the era of progress without losing our identity.
The problem is not in the language, the science can be translated from different languages ​​… And this is how the historical context was: from Athens, Rome and Pharaonic Egypt to Persian Iran before the West came and advanced through devastating civil wars, to then discover the American continent, which in the last century would become the pole of attraction for scholars, thinkers and scholars. From the four winds of the earth, granting them nationality, overcoming their origins and giving them the honor of adopting them with their scientifically, intellectually and culturally distinct product, and advancing on the road of reformulating the world with its language (taken from the Great Britain), while Tsarist and then Soviet Russia was unable to achieve such a result despite its military supremacy (the first to conquer space, Not to forget Gagarin ..).
What is required is that Arabs strive hard, regain self-confidence, remember the story of their rebirth without drowning in the past (fundamentalism), and show up where their lives, their legacy and their passion for research knowledge, innovation and renewal are imposed on them.
… and life, in some of its aspects, is a challenge for those looking for a better tomorrow and working hard to achieve it.
And progress is not bought ready-made as home and office furniture and gifts for occasions.

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