a meteorological cocktail on a lava planet: Jerusalem


It goes without saying that the lava planets are among the most inhospitable planets discovered outside the confines of our solar system. These bright spheres orbit so close to their host star that some of their regions are likely to be oceans of lava (lava is a more or less liquid molten rock that is emitted by a volcano during an eruption. Lava comes from ‘a magma, a Reserve of molten rock that is in fusion…) In physics and metallurgy, fusion is the transition of a body from solid to liquid. For a pure body, this is the case with a substance composed of …). According to scientists from McGill University (McGill University in Montreal, Quebec is one of the oldest universities in Canada) the university (A university is a university whose purpose is the production of knowledge (research), its preservation and broadcast (study). A …) York and the Institute (An institute is a permanent organization created for a specific purpose. It is usually an institution e.g. of the Indian Perimeter Institute for Theoretical …) for education (from the Latin “insignis”, notable, marked with a grade, excellent)) an educational practice aimed at developing knowledge …) about science, about the atmosphere (the word atmosphere can be multiple They have meanings 🙂 and the meteorological cycle of at least one of these exoplanets are very strange: evaporation (evaporation is a gradual passage of the liquid state to a gaseous state is different from cooking, which is a fast passage. It is a change …) and precipitation (in weather rology the term precipita refers to ice crystals or water droplets which, after being exposed to rocks …), supersonic winds that swell at more than 5,000 km / h and an ocean (Stylized Oceans Ωceans is a French direct documentary by Jacques Perrin and Jacques Cluzaud, filming began in 2004 and was produced in 2009) Magma with a depth of 100 km.
Artist impression (Generally referred to as an artist when a person is engaged in one of the following activities or activities 🙂 of the planet (A planet is a celestial body that orbits the sun or another star in the universe and has sufficient mass to allow its severity la …) by K2-141b Lava.

In a study published in the monthly journal of the Royal Astronomical Society, scientists used computer simulations (a computer is a machine with a processing unit capable of executing recorded programs; a series of electronic circuits …) to predict conditions on K2 -141b, an exoplanet (An exoplanet or exoplanet is a planet orbiting a star other than the sun. Most …) of the size of the earth (earth is the third planet in the solar system in order of increasing distance from the sun and the fourth in increasing size and mass. It is the largest and most massive of the four terrestrial planets ..), whose surface (A surface generally denotes the surface layer of an object. The term has several meanings, times object …), the ocean (An ocean is often defined in geography as a vast area of ​​salt water, in fact it is more of a volume, whose water is constantly renewed by the oce currents aniche …) and the atmosphere is made up of the same ingredient: rocks. The extreme weather events predicted by researchers could permanently alter K2-141b’s surface and atmosphere over time (time is a concept developed by humans to capture changes in the world).

“This study is the first to make predictions about weather conditions on K2-141b that can be captured hundreds of light years away (a space telescope is a positioned telescope) beyond the atmosphere using new generation telescopes such as the space telescope. The Space Telescope has the advantage over its terrestrial counterpart, not …) James-Webb, “explains Giang Nguyen, lead author and PhD student (a PhD student is a novice researcher who undertakes, under the supervision of a PhD supervisor, in a research project for a variable duration …) at York University, under the supervision of Nicolas Cowan, Professor at McGill University, as part of the study.

Two thirds of the exoplanet is constantly illuminated by daylight (day or day is the interval between sunrise and sunset; this is the period between two nights when the sun’s rays illuminate the sky. It is …)

By analyzing the exoplanet’s illumination pattern, the team found that around two-thirds of K2-141b are constantly illuminated, unlike the illuminated hemisphere we’re used to on Earth. K2-141b belongs to a subgroup of rocky planets that orbit very close to their star (a star is a celestial object that emits light on its own, similar to a giant plasma ball like the sun, which the star is closest to Earth). This proximity keeps the exoplanet in the same gravitational position, i.e. the same side is constantly facing the star.

On the “night” side the temperature drops (the temperature is a physical quantity that has been measured with a thermometer and examined in thermometry. In everyday life it is associated with sensations of cold and …) the -200 ° C- Brand. On the “daily” side of the exoplanet we record temperatures around 3000 ° C, a heat (in everyday language the words heat and temperature often have an equivalent meaning: what heat!) Not only sufficient to generate the stones To melt, but also to evaporate, which creates a subtle atmosphere in places. “The results of our study probably mean that the atmosphere extends a bit beyond the shores of the Magma Ocean, which makes it easier to search with space telescopes,” says Nicolas Cowan. Professor in the Department of Earth and Planet Sciences at McGill University.

Possibility to take a shower … from the rocks

Surprisingly, we observe the precipitation in the atmosphere from the rock (rock from the popular Latin rocca indicates any material that forms the earth’s crust. Any material that enters the composition of the subsoil is formed by an accumulation of minerals, sometimes with …) evaporated by extreme heat. Everything (everything that is understood as a set of what exists is often interpreted as the world or the universe.) As in the water cycle (water is an omnipresent chemical compound on earth that is essential for all organisms living) on ​​earth, as water evaporates, rises into the atmosphere, condenses and then returns to earth in the form of rain (rain generally refers to a precipitation of water in the liquid that falls from the clouds towards the ground. meteorological hydrometeora, which is part of the cycle of …), sodium (sodium is a chemical element, symbol Na and atomic number 11. It is a soft and silver metal that belongs to the alkali metals. We do not …), silicon monoxide (the silicon is a chemical element of the crystallogenic family, symbol Si and atomic number 14.) and silicon dioxide undergoes the same transformations in K2-141b. On land, rain flows into the oceans, where it evaporates again. The water cycle repeats itself in this way. On K2-141b, supersonic winds carry the vapor () of minerals from the evaporated rock to the “night” and frozen side, where the rock falls as “rain” into an ocean of magma. The resulting currents return to the hot side of the exoplanet, where the rock evaporates again.

Note: however, the cycle on K2-141b is not as stable as on Earth. The ocean current that brings the magma back to the “everyday” side is slow; Scientists therefore predict that the mineral composition will change over time, eventually changing the surface and atmosphere of K2-141b.

“All rocky planets, including the Earth, are mainly worlds in which matter (matter is the substance of which any body with a tangible reality is made). Its three most common states are solid, liquid, and gaseous. Matter takes up space and …) melts, then cools and solidifies quickly. The lava planets give us the rare opportunity to observe this phase of a planet’s evolution, ”adds Professor Cowan.

The next step for scientists is to verify the accuracy of these predictions. The team now has the data (in information technology (IT), data is an often coded basic description of a thing, a business transaction, an event, etc.) on the Spitzer Space Telescope (the Spitzer Space Telescope is the largest infrared telescope launched by NASA These wavelengths cannot be observed sensibly …), which gives him a first glimpse of the temperatures on the “day” side and the “night” side of the exoplanet. Thanks to the telescope (a telescope (from the Greek tele means “far” and skopein means “to see, to see”)) is an optical instrument that allows to increase the brightness as well as the apparent size of the objects …) James Room – Webb, who will open in 2021, it will also allow scientists to verify that the atmosphere is behaving as expected.

I study:
The study “Modeling the Atmosphere of the Lava Planet” (A Planet is a dynamic website that very often combines the content of notes, articles or posts published on blogs or websites into a single page to highlight their visibility and … ) K2- 141b: Implications for Low and High Resolution Spectroscopy ”by T. Giang Nguyen, Nicolas Cowan, Agnibha Banerjee and John Moores was published in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/mnras/staa2487

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