Emirates message to Security Council: Turkey seeks to wreak havoc in the Arab world



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The UAE has said that Turkey seeks to wreak havoc on the Arab world and that its military operations in Syria violate international law.

This came in a letter to the Security Council today, Friday, in response to the message from Turkey that it delivered to the Security Council last month.

Turkey had said in its message that “the UAE’s subversive policies to suppress democratic movements in the region and try to control the region have caused the death and injury of large numbers of people in Yemen,” as it said.

The UAE considered Turkey’s message “an attempt to divert attention from its dangerous behavior and adopt an aggressive policy”, stressing that “Turkey is an access and transit point for ISIS fighters in Afghanistan and in Central Asia “.

And Emirates’ message continued: “Turkey threatens to use migrants to further its megalomaniacal goals.”

Tension has recently increased between the UAE and Turkey, especially after Turkish Defense Minister Hulusi Akar said in an interview with Qatari channel Al-Jazeera that “Abu Dhabi has committed harmful acts in Libya and Syria” , threatening him by saying: “We will hold him responsible in the right place and at the right time.”

“We have to ask Abu Dhabi what is the reason for this hostility, these bad intentions, this jealousy”, reads a transcript of the interview published in Turkish by the Turkish Ministry of Defense.

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