The UAE affirms its categorical rejection of Turkish and Iranian interventions in the Arab world – one world – the Arabs


The UAE’s parliamentary division affirmed its categorical rejection of foreign military interventions in Arab affairs, particularly in Iraq, Syria and Libya, noting that this interference undermines the foundations for peace and stability in the Middle East.

During his participation in the closing session of the fourth session of the second term of the Arab Parliament, which was held yesterday “at a distance” chaired by His Excellency Dr. Mishaal bin Fahm Al-Salami, President of the Arab Parliament, and broadcast from Cairo , the Parliamentary Division of the UAE has called for the need to take firm Arab positions to thwart Turkey’s attempts to threaten the security, stability and sovereignty of Arab countries.

The Parliamentary Division was represented at the meeting by members of the Federal National Council, members of the Arab Parliament, each of the following: Muhammad Ahmed Al Yamahi, member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, Politics and National Security, Naama Abdullah Al Sharhan (second vice president ), chairman of the Committee for Social, Educational, Cultural, Women and Youth, and Ahmed Bushehab Al Suwaidi, member of the Commission for Economic and Financial Affairs and Shatha Saeed Alai Al Naqbi is a member of the Commission for Legislative, Legal and human rights.

Naama Abdullah Al-Sharhan stressed, during the Emirati Parliamentary Division’s speech during the session, that she rejected the expansionist ambitions of some countries in Arab lands and called for addressing what these countries are doing in terms of sending militias. and foreign terrorist weapons in Arab lands. Naama Al-Sharhan reaffirmed the UAE’s right to recapture its three islands, Iran-occupied “Greater Tunb, Minor Tunb and Abu Musa”, calling on Iran to respond to all peaceful efforts and efforts of the Emirates United Arabs in a way that leads to an end to the occupation of these Emirati islands through direct negotiations Resort to international arbitration.


In addition, the Arab Parliament voted to approve the unified Arab strategy for dealing with Iran and the unified Arab strategy for dealing with Turkey, and the two strategies included 3 axes: the constants and objectives, sources of threat, address them. , the measures to stop them, the bases and mechanisms.

The strategy aims to stop all interference by the Iranian regime in the internal affairs of Arab countries, address its hostile policies and prevent the formation of armed militias. The strategy identified the sources of the Iranian regime’s threat, including: occupation of the three Emirati islands, fomenting discord and sectarianism, sponsoring terrorism and supporting terrorist groups, and forming and supporting militias within Arab countries and providing their weapons. Al-Sulami expressed Parliament’s condemnation of the Turkish military intervention in Syria and Libya, indicating that the Security Council would be instructed to withdraw Turkish forces from the two countries.

Stationary position

Furthermore, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi stressed Egypt’s firm stance in containing the crisis in Libya by installing the ceasefire and establishing the necessary safeguards for its implementation, dismantling militias and removing mercenaries from the conflict equation. , thus opening horizons towards the achievement of a global political solution.


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