Researchers found that most of the shark fins in fish markets come from species caught in coastal areas, not from the open ocean.



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A team of researchers affiliated with several institutions in the United States found that the majority of shark fins sold worldwide in fish markets come from sharks caught in coastal areas rather than the open ocean. In their article published in the journal Biology Letters, the group describes their genetic study of fin samples from the fish market and the habitat modeling they conducted for sharks.

Despite the efforts of conservationists and legal protections in some jurisdictions, fishermen around the world continue to catch sharks that are prized for their fins. Fins are typically used to make shark fin soup, which is considered a delicacy in some circles. Conservationists assume that most sharks are taken from the open ocean, where it is difficult to monitor fisheries. In this new effort, the researchers found evidence that these assumptions are wrong. Most of the fin sharks that end up in fish markers have been cut off by sharks caught in coastal areas around the world.

To achieve better management of the source of fins sold in fish markets (mainly in Asia), the researchers obtained 5,000 samples from a large number of fish markets in San Francisco, Hong Kong, Vancouver and many along the coast of Brazil. They underwent genetic testing to find out more about them. The analysis not only revealed the species of the samples, but where they came from in the world. They also used habitat modeling to give them a better idea of ​​where the sharks were caught.

The researchers found that more samples came from endangered species than expected. More importantly, they also found that most of the samples they tested came from sharks caught offshore from a handful of countries, including Mexico, Japan, Indonesia, Brazil and Australia. They suggest that this discovery presents an opportunity to reduce the shark fin trade because it is much easier to disrupt fishing efforts in coastal waters than in the open ocean.

The Eastern Pacific is an important supply chain for the illegal shark fin trade, according to the researchers

More information:
Kyle S. Van Houtan et al. Coastal sharks supply the world trade in shark fins, Biology letters (2020). DOI: 10.1098 / rsbl.2020.0609

© 2020 Science X Network

Quote: Researchers found that most shark fins in fish markets come from species caught in coastal areas, not the open ocean (2020, October 28) recovered October 28, 2020 from / 2020-10-shark-fins- fish-species-caught.html

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