Libbitcoin releases support for Litecoin for high performance blockchain performance

  Libbitcoin releases support for Litecoin for high performance blockchain performance

The toolkit library created by Libbitcoin and its president, Lucas Betschart, was a popular resource among developers working with Bitcoin in recent years. By providing crucial tools such as an insanely fast blockchain-based query service, a single command-line tool, and a series of libraries that allow developers to create their own decentralized applications, the Libbitcoin toolkit has been a big boom for the growing community of Bitcoin developers.

But after its first version, some have complained that the resources provided by Libbitcoin could also be used to innovate on other popular cryptocurrencies and blockchains. to make their technology "coin-agnostic", which means that their technology will not necessarily prefer or endorse one currency or another. Translated into simpler terms, this decision guarantees that Libbitcoin will become accessible to other cryptocurrencies and popular Bitcoins.

Characteristics of Litecoin

In a new tweet, the president of the Bitcoin Switzerland Association and founder of Libbitcoin announced that Litecoin was officially implemented in Libbitcoi n.

Together with the initial announcement, the technician outlined some of the main features that will be appreciated by users of the platform working on innovations of Litecoin. Overall, these advantages align well with what users might expect, given the toolkit offered when Bitcoin was the only valid currency listed in the library.

For one, LTC developers have access to "high-performance blockchain query server" that had helped many Bitcoin developers in their projects, and the Litecoin community can rejoice in the use of their new LTC command line, in addition to using the C ++ libraries for Litecoin developers to create their own dAPPs

The new announcement has already been enthusiastically received by the blockchain community, many of which are developers interested in Litecoin's innovations. [19659013]! function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) return; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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