Top Bitcoin Price Chart Statistics Site CoinMarketCap to allow users to vote input on new listings

  Coinmarketcap-Users-May-Now-Start-Influencing-New-Listings "title =" Coinmarketcap-Users-May-Now-Start-Influencing-New-Listings "/> </div>
<h2>  Coinmarketcap users can now start influencing New Listings </h2>
<p><strong>  Coinmarketcap </strong> is a cryptocurrency monitoring site that has recently been indicted after being accused by some of its users of abuse abuse in its attempt to resolve some of the complaints that have been raised by its customers, the company has considered the idea of ​​allowing users of the platform to vote for digital resources that they would prefer to track. </p>
<h3>  Lists affected by users of the platform </h3>
<p>  The website, which is became the reference source for all Cryptography news published a poll on 12 September <sup> </sup> where he continued to ask his users if they would be fascinated by the idea to influence future decisions on the list. </p>
<p>  Within a few hours of this survey being released, more than five thousand people h announcement sent their answers. Of these, sixty percent supported the offer, while thirty percent said they were not interested in influencing future decisions. The remaining ten percent said they were not interested in the opportunity. </p>
<p>  Coinmarketcap chose to test the waters by introducing this survey, at a time when the cryptocurrency market continues to expand, despite the cryptocurrency market having a bearish attitude for the better part of the year. Currently the site is monitoring a total of 1944 digital goods. </p>
<h3>  BTCC Dev: Coinmarketcap is abusing trust </h3>
<p>  The business <strong> cryptocurrency </strong> has not always found it easy when it comes to selecting resources that should be tracked A recently published report by a Bitcoinist has listed the allegations against an exchange platform known as Binance, which was charged with charging high listing commissions, as well as not adhering to the principles associated with decentralization, which the platform claimed to adhere to. </p>
<p>  According to one developer, Binance, which is one of the biggest exchanges in terms of volume, had asked to participate in 400BTC to list the asset. At that time, 400BTC were valued at $ 2.6 million. Binance, however, later strongly denied the claims made against it by the developer. </p>
<p>  <em> Coinmarketcap </em> also had to deal with disputes relating to the removal of a number of South Korean trade from its digital goods list. The website states that the exchanges were removed due to what they called excessive volatility in the South Korean markets at the start of the year. </p>
<p>  Clashicly, who is the developer of BTCC (<em> Bitcoin Core Coin </em> told Bitcoinist that it was important to implement reforms to ensure that Coinmarketcap did not abuse trust through its listing decisions. that the website should be bifurcated if it failed to change its behavior or processes.He, however, stressed that this would not change their position as a leader in the currency ecosystem. </p>
<p>  He echoed to a feeling that many other cryptocurrency fans have pointed out by stating that Coinmarketcap was abusing the trust that millions of keen crypts around the globe had entered in. It's time for his team to start taking responsibility for introducing misconduct that has led to to the financial ruin of some of its users. </p>
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