Real players know the fight, it has not always been like this, this glam, this fanatic. Of course, yes, when Donkey Kong, the computer and family videogames came out for the first time, they say the war from Nintendo and Space, did all their hype and people became crazy.

But the journey from this to today's Sims, Second Life, World of Warcraft is a long fool. Things have only refined and refined over time. Let's talk about the most significant developments in this sector, and let's face it, we are the best industry, the citizens of a great race, currently running through augmented reality and the miles of virtual reality.
People love to interact and live online, where the army of problems is as big as a rogue army attacking trying to eat itself or the big plots of Sims and life simulation games where even the meal has to be cooked and money must be earned.
People forget to have these problems around them and choose to play to win, not in life games. It's engaging once you're inside. And for some it is also a very toxic problem. But it does not need to be scandalized and criminalized any more than the taboos tried to make it. So, let's remember the humble origins and just the good things.
But since the Internet has connected players and created online multiplayer worlds, whole communities have been created, dedicated to gaming, to its fandom, to the sharing of culture and to making the world a small, small global village.

The world of video games like any other technology has grown impeccably, like the first computers, the first texts for the development of Msn Messenger, thanks to the internet, from small webcam to Facebook and FaceTime with HD cams for beauty filters. The blockchain is Apple.inc for the world of games. It's what the globalization has done to the pizzas, it's what the Internet has done with drugs, it has revolutionized the market!
The communication inside the games was non-existent, the games led to the chat rooms, the chat rooms led to the e-mails, the fight was longer, but the game developers stayed on top of their game and brought us some of the best advances through capitalist means, though.
When you play Blockchain on Google, you get around 35,600,000 hits in 0.54 seconds.
This sector is huge, even Google knows it. Bigger than PUB-FUCKING-G?