"The biggest and most immediate regulatory obstacle we face is the lack of specific guidance from the SEC on how to classify the various cryptographic resources, we believe that many are clearly currencies and raw materials, and there must be more specificity about those that are really securities, which can unlock many market activities and also clearly allow the growth of a market for cryptographic titles. " Jeremy Allaire, CEO and co-founder, Circle
"After the Bitcoin jump to $ 4,000 at the start of this week, it looks like we are now witnessing an inversion of this wave which in turn is causing the fall in the price of XRP and Ethereum. has been able to maintain the momentum on Sunday, it is important to remember that this fall in prices still remains within the range of $ 3,000 – $ 5,000, which means that the meaning of this should not be overstated ". Mati Greenspan, senior market analyst, eToro
Now it is clear that the crypto-zealots are mentally psychotic. Shitcoin 1000 lost 95% of their value and even the top 10 lost 92% of their value. Even now these crazy people are wandering about going to The Moon: they seriously need urgent psychiatric help because most of them are bankrupt and unbalanced: for real! https://t.co/b2Ms93VEvJ
– Nouriel Roubini (@Nouriel) 10 January 2019
"Decentralization concerns freedom, flexibility and choice and blockchain is just one more tool, one that can help in decentralized contexts, but an instrument is always less important than the objective". Ricardo J. Méndez, technical director, Samsung NEXT
"While those inside the crypto-space are perpetually optimistic about the long-term success of the sector and hope for a solid recovery in 2019, the broader macroeconomic factors could interfere with these plans with various well-documented issues and no definitive end. If this is the case and global markets are under pressure, then there is an argument to say that risk adversities will increase and this could suppress the expected levels of investment in the sector, thus stifling its growth.
One thing is certain, 2019 will be another year in which we talk about blockchain, which is talked about and gains more ground in the wider media and this will naturally lead to a more widespread education on what exactly it is and how it will benefit and change our future. " David Thomas, director and co-founder, GlobalBlock
Too many people make a category mistake when it comes to Bitcoin.
Bitcoin is not a technological game like Instagram where you constantly have to innovate to win.
Bitcoin is a money game like gold, where stability and security are what makes it precious.– Jimmy Song (송재준) (@jimmysong) 5 January 2019
"With our lives becoming more digitalized, it gives scammers greater incentive to generate extortion schemes regarding private and corporate data.There are many schemes out there where criminals try to blackmail people who look for cryptocurrency. criminals do not really have real data and are only looking for victims who will be afraid to pay anyway.The fact is that these scams are so cheap to put in circulation.Although only a few people fall into the scheme, it is profitable for scammers " . Yaya J. Fanusie, senior fellow at the Center for Sanctions and Illicit Finance of the Defense of Democracies
The strip consists of 7 lines of code and is worth $ 20 billion.
Plaid is 9 lines of code and is worth $ 2.7 billion.
Wall Street is under the assault of technologists.
These types of societies will become bigger and bigger over time.
This is only the beginning.
– Pomp 🌪 (@APPLANT) January 8, 2019
"Bitcoin is definitely the OG crypto! It is difficult to defeat network effects, so in terms of" hard money "(that is, value deposit), Bitcoin is very likely the long-term winner." Cameron Winklevoss
"Bitcoin could survive a nuclear war" @ NickSzabo4 #bitcoinsummit pic.twitter.com/IIn1CzyKJ9
– Steph Vaughan👩💼🚀 (@GoodStephV) January 8, 2019
"The cryptocurrencies will probably die as a" complete load of nonsense … The bubble has already started to collapse and perhaps we should just see how far this collapse goes, and what remains when we have achieved a new kind of balance ". Ardo Hansson, responsible for the European Central Bank's policy
This is a stimulating observation. 🤔
By definition, a decentralized cryptocurrency must be susceptible to 51% attacks if with hashrate, quota and / or other resources that can not be acquired without authorization.
If an encryption can not be 51% attached, it is authorized and centralized. https://t.co/LRCVj5F0O1
– Charlie Lee [LTC⚡] (@SatoshiLite) January 8, 2019
"No one had any expectation of the size of the press that was going to happen around Kodak by making a blockchain.It was never expected that we were making a coin to raise $ 150 million to finance a startup.We certainly got thrown in, because that was what the market was looking for, and that's what the ICOs thought: Outside the gates, we've always said, those were titles, and we're a payment mechanism.
We hope that what we can show is that a year later all these ICO knew everything. . . Where am I today? We are here today and we have a project and we are generating revenue. And we're just starting. " KODAKOne Co-founder Cam Chell
I move everyone to refer to "Ethereum" as "Infureum" until this fiasco of centralization continues.
– Preston Byrne (@prestonjbyrne) 11 January 2019
"The European Banking Authority (EBA) advises the European Commission to conduct a cost / benefit analysis to assess, on a holistic basis, whether action at EU level is appropriate and feasible at this stage to tackle the crypto-asset issues identified in this report. " EBA report on encryption
Probably the reason why the only place where you can actually see the "booth babes" at FinTech conferences are those focused on blockchain & crypto https://t.co/7AJCM7FeSz
– Liz Lumley (@LizLum) 9 January 2019
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