An interview with the co-founder of Zilliqa Xinshu Dong


I think gaming will be one of the first big breakthroughs of blockchain technology. We have already seen the first signs of a breakout when the Cryptokitties stormed the blockchain world at the end of 2017. So much so that the Ethereum blockchain almost collapsed.

The possibility of owning and exchanging unique digital objects makes the blockchain gaming a truly unique proposition. Pair it with virtual reality worlds and secure blockchain technology; it's a revolution waiting to happen.

But there is a problem. No blockchain platform is still powerful enough to support high quality games and millions of users.

Ethereum is the obvious candidate, but as we have seen with Cryptokitties, there are serious problems with downsizing. Ethereum stopped when too many users flooded the system. The Ethereum downsizing roadmap now extends to 2025 to solve these problems.

So what's c & # 39 is out there? Zilliqa.

Zilliqa has the potential to scale significantly faster than Ethereum and the team is putting the game at the center of their mission. I spoke to Xinshu Dong, CEO and co-founder of Zilliqa to learn more. Starting from the beginning:

What is Zilliqa?

Zilliqa is a blockchain platform similar to focus on Ethereum. Offers developers a platform for creating games, decentralized apps (dApps) and projects. The fundamental difference with Ethereum is speed and efficiency. Zilliiqa can manage 2,828 transactions per second compared to the 15-30 of Ethereum.

xinshu dong zilliqaIn the words of Xinshu, "Zilliqa is an open, high performance, high security block platform, our goal is to make decentralized blockchains as constituent elements of future applications, while addressing scalability and security limits to enable 39; usability of the real world in a variety of sectors. "

Why have progress been slow in the blockchain game?

There are a handful of innovative blockchain games out there right now. But we are far from seeing something as ambitious as Fortnite or League of Legends on a blockchain. The main reasons for this, explains Xinshu, are "poor user experience (UX) and lack of real added value for the user".

The problem is also rooted in a lack of technology on which to build blockchain games. "It's hard for developers to completely address this problem without a stronger technology stack to allow a better user experience."

Zilliqa aims to solve these problems by creating a platform that is friendly to the players and powerful enough for developers to create ambitious games.

Zilliqa blockchain gaming

Improve the UX blockchain game

The problem for players starts with a complicated access ramp. To play blockchain games, you often need to download a browser extension and load a wallet with the correct cryptocurrency.

"Players are faced with strong barriers to entry," says Xinshu, "due to a complex installation process, such as getting a wallet and an initial cost to pay gas charges." This becomes a deterrent to the new players in space. "

The games themselves are often slow and cumbersome due to the low transaction rates on Ethereum.

"Blockchain games are slow and the lack of immediate purpose results in users waiting for their transactions to end, which can often take a few minutes." Compared to mobile, PC or console games, this is an experience of Poor gaming: Zilliqa's increased volume of transactions and lowering the gas tariff can help address some of these issues, and we're also exploring features that can help developers design more user-friendly games, such as the ability to offset commissions. on gas for developers rather than users. "

Blockchain Games Leave Ethereum for Zilliqa

Zilliqa caused a sensation in the cryptic world last year for attracting the famous Etheremon game away from his home on Ethereum. I ask Xinshu why Zilliqa is more suitable.

Etheremon zilliqa

"Etheremon, a decentralized app based on the Ethereum network, suffered high commissions of gas and transaction congestion due to scalability issues, which resulted in poor UX for users and Etheremon was forced to move the battles inside the game from the blockchain, demonstrating the structural limitations of existing infrastructures and the need for alternative and innovative solutions. "

The fastest Zilliqa platform provides an immediate UX boost for players and developers. However, speed, UX and decentralization are only the first step. For the blockchains that really take off, Xinshu admits, we need a killer game.

"Games must be fun"

"While some players may be attracted to the decentralized way of buying and selling items within the game, ultimately, the game has to be fun to attract players in. If the game is not in high demand, to begin with, the objects themselves. they will have little value.

"Overall, blockchain games must be designed from the ground up to maximize the added value of the blockchain rather than copying the existing mobile gaming paradigms." Zilliqa is actively seeking to collaborate with game developers who are engaged in this, and we strive to provide technical solutions to support them. "

Could virtual reality be the answer?

One of Zilliqa's partners in the gaming world is Decentraland; a virtual reality platform that supports games and even virtual real estate. Xinshu tells me more about the potential of virtual reality interaction with blockchain.

Decentraland: a vast world of virtual reality on the blockchain

"VR is one of the game areas that has strong synergies with blockchain.In games where users can create their own objects, works of art and worlds, giving their property through the blockchain makes a lot of sense – for example , Cubego, the new game from the Etheremon team, emphasizes user-generated content.

"When you look at the whole virtual world on a blockchain, there is a record of immutable property when a user creates these articles and eventually the creations can be traded and monetized securely. centrally, the decentralized nature of building a virtual world on blockchain can generate a stronger sense of community and ownership among the members of that world. "

We take technique …

So far, we have faced Zilliqa's commitment to the gaming industry. But how does the technology behind the scenes work?

"Zilliqa uses sharding to achieve greater scalability while maintaining high security standards.Our whole mining network is divided into multiple consensus groups – fragments – that are able to process transactions in parallel.Our network also allows linear scalability on -chain: this means that as the network grows and the number of nodes increases, the faster our network is, even if we are able to achieve a higher transaction throughput, this does not occur at the expense of the number of nodes available to process transactions. "

Zilliqa sharding
Zilliqa is one of the first to implement experimental sharding technology to achieve tremendous throughput

Sharding: Zilliqa's silver bullet for downsizing

The technical solution of Zilliqa for high speeds and lower fares is sharing. The sharding is also explored by the Ethereum development team, but Zilliqa will probably be the first blockchain to implement the technology.

In simple terms, sharding divides the blockchain into smaller "fragments" in an attempt to alleviate congestion. It is one of the many solutions proposed for the resizing of blockchain. But why did Zilliqa put the barbed wire in the heart of its technology?

"We found that sharding is a good level 1 solution that allows us to achieve a balance between decentralization, security and scalability Security is a priority for us and preserving decentralization ensures that our blockchain is secure through the consent of the nodes opt-in audiences and offer third-party resistance to transactions By opting for a level 1 scaling solution, we are able to scale securely as the blockchain operates with full assurance of security provided by itself. Resizing level 1 will allow us to explore more solutions for level 2 resizing later on the line.

Although we believe that sharding is currently one of the best options to address the scalability problem, we intend to continue to innovate beyond this as we develop our platform. "

What are the prospects for Zilliqa?

The Zilliqa mainnet is scheduled to go live on January 31st. A successful launch could attract even more dApps and game developers to the platform. As Xinshu explains, the game is just a sector in the platform roadmap.

"In general, Zilliqa wants to enable any DApp that can bring a strong value to the user: add, realize the true potential of the blockchain and take advantage of our high-throughput platform.We also want to focus on use cases. , in particular in digital advertising through our partnership with Mindshare, and in financial and insurance services.

"A strong user experience with reduced entry barriers and a concrete and clear added value for the user will help make DApps more popular among the mainstream public. "

The Zilliqa mainnet is launched on January 31st.

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