Tired of blockchain projects that accumulate your money without delivery? Tired of infinitesimal winning possibility of traditional lotteries? What happens if there is a lottery you can win too? Not only possibility, but also predictable income. Now, there is a Blockchain lottery that does not accumulate your money, but in reality redistributes almost EVERYTHING coming Ether back to the lucky players. And there are four ways to make money from it. Are you ready for Fomo-2-Moon?
On Fomo2Moon (F2M), in every lottery round, you can buy tickets to win Grand Prizes up to 6,000 Ether in total and the Side Prizes up to 3,000 Ether in total. It's very simple: buy tickets, wait for 1 of 2 countdown clocks to reach zero and, bingo, some lucky ones to win!
The best thing is, in addition to the possibilities, every round you can also earn predictable income of
- purchase Tickets very early every round, up to 300% return;
- purchase coin at any time for dividend income and profit expected after 30 days;
- help your friends get together to make money commission;
- check the website when a round ends to claim sizes, for a maximum of 100 ethers in total.
This could be the beginning of a revolution called "Make money on blockchain" (or MMO-B). But how long does it take to join? Only a bread value of $ 0.2. Also it is necessary to install Metamask or Trustwallet.
Above all, this could be the only lottery You can trust me. Because you do not need to trust any Human. This is a decentralized application (DApp) so you just have to trust me immutable code implemented on the Ethereum network.
You've heard of Fomo3D? It's a Mega-millions on Blockchainand a huge success in 2018, with its intelligent management of contracts over 500,000 ethers! Unfortunately, Fomo3D has already surpassed its glory, following a series of shortcomings. These deficiencies have been overcome by Unidentified Seizo team with a series of innovations to make Fomo2Moon a Blockchain Lottery fairer, more advanced, exciting and sustainable.
The prizes of each lottery round come from part of the previous round. First-round prizes are financed by token purchases Round Zero, when the dividend tokens will be offered in a lot limited quantity equivalent to 800 Ether (purchases limited to 1 Ether per account) and al lowest price (about a quarter of the price when the first round begins).
Please check the website https://Fomo2Moon.io to subscribe to the newsletter and count up to Round Zero by January 15, 2019. In the meantime, please read the documents, watch the videos inside and communicate on our channels.
- Document: https://bit.ly/F2MdocEnglish
- Telegram: https://t.me/Fomo2Moon
Discord: https://discord.gg/w3sfJ3b
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