Blockchain is literally everywhere. The mobile company you use is probably at the knee in blockchain projects; your local coffee shop could use it as a solution. Heck, even the local library has something "blockchain tech-y" on its proverbial sleeves. And while it is rather surprising to see the new technology implemented around the world for its abundant use cases, it is a step towards becoming terribly ordinary. The prestigious Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) certainly believes it.
An article published by MIT Technology Review exposes the argument that 2019 will be the year when the blockchain will become trivial. The article was published on 2ND January 2019 in Review, which is an independent magazine but wholly owned by the United States MIT.
The article gives a brief overview of its grip on the rather recent and short history of the blockchain. He claims that the technology was "a revolution that should have interrupted the global financial system" in 2017, that is. But the next year of 2018 was a disappointment. The article makes this statement in light of the substantial decline in valuations of virtually all blockchain-based cryptographic assets and currencies.
When we enter the new year, the magazine explains that many audio-innovative projects, based on blockchain technology, are still alive and are in fact very close to being profitable. This, combined with the plans of many large companies to launch major blockchain-based projects this year, 2019 will therefore be referred to history as "the year when blockchain technology has finally become normal".
The article also explains that while the entire advertising campaign regarding the blockchain is reduced, their infrastructure offer approved by the cryptographic regulator represents an important break point in the path of the industry that becomes mainstream.
The article concludes with his final thesis that, even the entire normalization of technology and industry, will require a significant restructuring of the basic ideology behind the cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology. The whole concept of anti-government that is at the root of all things crypto, has been overthrown while governments are jumping in and throwing national cryptocurrencies. Like the controversial cryptocurrency supported by Venezuela's oil, the Petro, or the plans of the other states for their own coins backed by the state.
Once you really think about it, the article makes perfect sense. At this rate, who knows, the blockchain could be as normal as trivial as the Internet.