The bitcoin considered the most traded cryptocurrency in the world has not even reached the 50 most developed digital currencies last year, as per data collected by CoinCodeCap.com. It was found at the 52nd grade. The largest cryptocurrency in the world failed to recover Bitcoin as the title of the most developed cryptocurrency.
While, on the other hand, a new cryptocurrency – Cardano, which has not even managed to reach the list of the top 10 global currencies of value, has left behind some of the major digital currencies when it came to the most developed cryptocurrencies at the world. In the code repositories, Cardano earned 46000 commits. Next to Cardano there was Augur. Although Augur ranks 48th in the list of the world's most highly rated cryptocurrencies, it gained the second position in the most actively developed cryptocurrency race. In the last twelve months it has earned 22000 commits. Closely following Augur there were other digital currencies, namely Ox, Ethereum (ETH) and Lisk, which were more developed in the last year.
Commits are more like a documentation of any kind of modification or update that a project has undergone. One of CoinCodeCap's developers said-
"A commit, or & # 39; revision, & # 39; is an individual change to a file (or a set of files) .It's like when you save a file, except with Git, each time you save it you create a unique ID (also known as & # 39; SHA & # 39; o & # 39; hash & # 39;) that allows you to track what changes have been made when and by whom Commits usually contain a message commit which is a brief description of what changes have been made. "
Therefore, the first ten digital currencies of course with most of the commits that made the list of the most developed digital currencies last year were: Cardano (ADA) with 45.558 commits, Augur (REP) with 21.644 commits, Ox (ZRX) with 18.095 commit, Ethereum (ETH) with 15.617 commit, Lisk (LSK) with 14.754 commit, Status (SNT) with 13.534 commit, TRON (TRX) with 12.283 commit, Komodo (KMD) with 12.173 commit, Skycoin (SKY ) with 12.068 commits and Waves (WAVES) with 11,732 commits; according to data collected by CoinCodeCap and CoinMarketCap.
Commits are a reflection of the amount of work done behind the digital currency. Show the value of the cryptocurrency. It is as if the percentages of the share of ordinary shares were based on the performance of an organization or a company at the time. Therefore, investing or exchanging any digital currency is like investing in the amount of work done on the project that reflects the currency or digital currency. The work can be equated with the number of efforts that are put into the digital currency by the developers to support it. According to CoinMonk, the flow from technological developments to earnings goes through intermediate stages that are value creation and mass adoption. But as far as the digital currency is concerned, this scheme takes place in an inverse order, which can of course be problematic.
But for a long time, the growth model straightens up. For example, growth cases like Ethereum and Bitcoin have seen a good increase in their values since they were introduced, despite the turbulence in the cryptography market. It could become possible thanks to the excellent technology they come with. Likewise, many other cryptocurrencies show similar growth patterns.