Coin Linker (LNC) The daily volume of Cryptocurrency reaches $ 19.948 as price up to $ 0.019252: + 6.14% on exchanges in the last 24 hours


Linker Coin (LNC) rose 6.14% from USD in the last 24 hours ending at 9.00 am on 20 August EST. Coin Linker at this time has a total market capitalization of $ 2,171.133 and its twenty-four hour trading volume is around $ 19.948. In the last seven days, Linker Coin is equal to -8.45% compared to the US dollar, with a variation of 1.17% in the last 60 minutes.

Now let's have a look at how the other scrambled have performed in the last 24 hours:

  • OAX (OAX) is currently trading at $ 0.14 against the dollar USA, a -0.98% change in the last 24 hours. The Bitcoin price for OAX is currently 0.00002247 BTC.
  • Cryptopay (CPAY) is now trading at $ 0.02 against the US dollar, a -25.44% variation in the last 24 hours. The Bitcoin price for CPAY is currently 0.00000275 BTC.
  • Kore (KORE) is now trading at $ 0.72 against the US dollar, a 4.94% in the last 24 hours. The Bitcoin price for KORE is currently 0.00011153 BTC.

Linker Coin Data

The Linker coin has a maximum reserve of exactly 112,776,150 coins. It was launched on June 19, 2017.

cryptocompare reveals that: "Blocklancer is a Distributed Autonomous Job Marketplace (DAJ) operating on Ethereum Blockchain, Blocklancer is our collaborative vision of a fully self-regulated platform to find clients / projects and ensure that jobs are completed efficiently and fairly Blocklancer is changing the way freelance works for both the freelancer and the client, focusing on building a reliable platform on which all stakeholders can rely. reducing taxes to a minimum and introducing a decentralized court system to ensure that every dispute is resolved fairly and that no one loses – we can finally greet fraud in freelance. "

Here are some useful links in case you want to learn more on Linker Coin:

LNC: Trading Info

Anyone can acquire LNC on exchange commercials like DDEX, EtherDelta, IDEX,

It is not always possible to buy crypto included Linker Coin directly using dollars. Investors who wish to acquire LNC may first obtain BTC or Ethereum using a marketplace offering USD currency trading pairs, such as Coinbase and GDAX. Buyers will then use this BTC or Ethereum to purchase Coin Linkers using one of the previously detailed commercial exchanges.

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