The adoption of corporate blockchain reaches 44%, opinion poll


The Indian telecommunications giant Tata Communications has defined the main barriers to the adoption of blockchains for companies globally, in a survey published on 12 December.

Part of an "Emerging Industries Survey" – dubbed "The Cycle of Progress" – Tata's report noted concerns about cost, security and privacy as "the main barriers to decision makers" considering the Implementation of new technologies.

The survey also highlighted a growing skill gap as one of the biggest challenges in the adoption of new technologies, including blockchain, artificial intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT).

The report also noted, however, that "[r]Except where their business is in its path of digital transformation, decision makers are firmly focused on the positive impact of technology. "

"The cycle of progress seems to be a warning to businesses, with a clear difference between perception and reality emerging across different levels in organizations, while innovation gains momentum," said Tata chief digital officer Sr. Srinivasan , adding:

"This disparity highlights that directors and executives of business units need to improve the CEO's information about any challenges they face when new technologies like IoT and the # are launched. 39; artificial intelligence ".

Blockchain, the company added, is adopted by 44% of organizations that responded to the survey.

The comments arrive in volatile times in India for the industry, in particular regarding the legal status of cryptocurrency.

After the central bank has instigated a ban on banks to serve businesses in the sector this spring, a judicial challenge remains underway.

In line with the emerging regulatory environment elsewhere, Indian lawmakers may eventually prefer a heavily legally enforced but not legally enforced cryptocurrency ecosystem, sources said this week.

Tata has engaged in a large-scale blockchain research, also creating a dedicated whitepaper with advice for companies wishing to integrate technology.

A separate forecast at the beginning of the year argued that the telecommunications blockchain would become a $ 1 billion industry by 2023.

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