Another year is coming, full of new optimism and rediscovered determination to make 2019 the year in which the cryptocurrencies will take over. Having missed their calls for 2018, the so-called experts will hesitate to make bullish predictions on prices for 2019. This is probably the best since there are many more interesting things to focus on with regard to price action. Here are seven trends that should dominate the cryptosphere in the next 12 months.
Read also: Bitcoin History Part 6: The First Bitcoin Exchange
2018 did not play in the way it was promised
<img class = "alignright size-medium wp-image-265715″ title=”Seven cryptocurrency trends not to be missed in 2019″ src=”https://news.bitcoin.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/crystal-ball-300×212.jpg” alt=”Seven trends Cryptocurrency to pay attention in 2019 "width =" 300 "height =" 212 "srcset =" https://news.bitcoin.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/crystal-ball-300×212.jpg 300w, https://news.bitcoin.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/crystal-ball-100×70.jpg 100w, https://news.bitcoin.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12 /crystal-ball-200×140.jpg 200w, https://news.bitcoin.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/crystal-ball.jpg 500w "sizes =" (maximum width: 300px) 100vw, 300px”/>This time, last year, all sorts of bold predictions were issued for what 2018 would have kept for cryptographic space. In this case, the greatest trend of the year was that which some futurologists predicted – stablecoins. The 2018 will go down as the year the markets went south and the ICOs took off, leaving a new wave of digital assets to shine – stablecoins from the dollar pegged.
To love, hate or tolerate, it can not be denied that stablecoins have been a recurring motif this year. The fact that they will continue to dominate in 2019 depends to a large extent on how conventional cryptographic assets work. If the current bear market persists, or if it bites even deeper, the stablecoins will remain omnipresent. If the most favorable market conditions return, however, the stablecoins will be forced to take a back seat, leaving the following tendencies to play in 2019.
The new privacy protocols will gain traction
<img class = "alignright wp-image-256858″ title=”Seven cryptocurrency trends not to be missed in 2019″ src=”https://news.bitcoin.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/grin_mw_logo.png” alt=”Seven trends Cryptocurrency to watch out for in 2019 "width =" 202 "height =" 202 "srcset =" https://news.bitcoin.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/grin_mw_logo.png 244w, https: //news.bitcoin.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/grin_mw_logo-150×150.png 150w "sizes =" (maximum width: 202px) 100vw, 202px”/>With the Mimblewimble-powered Smile and beam crank to the elbow, the stage is ready for 2019 to be the most private year in the crypt for a long time. The last few years of invasion of the surveillance blockchain ripped off the anonymity that cryptocurrency users once took for granted, but the counterattack began. It will take more than a single privacy protocol to restore the imbalance, of course, so it is equally important that there are a number of privacy tools that come into operation.
Apart from the Mimblewimble coins, there is the prospect that Bitcoin Core will receive Schnorr's signatures next year, which could open the door to privacy technology like Coinjoin at some point. Before that, we'll see a lot of other platforms, apps and protocols for privacy, gaining traction. Wasabi wallet, a BTC portfolio focused on privacy, will save new users, while Ethereum could get its own opinion on confidential transactions courtesy of Aztec protocol. Stablecoins could also become private Zkdai – DAI zero-knowledge transactions – become one thing. Pro-privacy projects like Dust and Loki should also make progress, while new projects like Resistance, a coin for privacy and the support of DEX, are being processed.
The STO will replace the ICOs
2018 was supposed to be the year of security token until it was. This forecast can be brought to 2019, however, when it could become a reality as long as the technical and regulatory obstacles can be resolved by a sufficient number of candidates. What is out of the question is that 2018 has killed ICO, and no one is reversing the crowdfunded token model to get up. The increase in the legal and compliance costs of holding an ICO, which now amounts to about $ 1 million, has paid off most of the initial token offerings.
Amazix The chief analyst Jose Macedo believes that the offer of security tokens (STOs) will become the standard model used by most cryptographic-based projects. "While utility tokens are all but dead, what the industry has now realized is that few of these symbolic economic models actually made sense in terms of long-term value gain," he explains. "As a result, we are seeing many projects coming to us looking for help both in the launch of their STO and in the restructuring of their ICOs as STOs," adds Macedo. He continues:
We also see many more STO infrastructures built in terms of legal quality, token sales platforms, book-building businesses, exchanges etc … Starting now, we have about $ 1B of STOs in partnership with us trying to launch in the 2019.
<img class = "alignright wp-image-198959″ title=”Seven cryptocurrency trends not to be missed in 2019″ src=”https://news.bitcoin.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/gab.jpeg” alt=”Seven trends of Cryptocurrency to watch out for in 2019 "width =" 190 "height =" 190 "srcset =" https://news.bitcoin.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/gab.jpeg 225w, https : //news.bitcoin.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/gab-150×150.jpeg 150w "sizes =" (maximum width: 190px) 100vw, 190px”/>While security token projects are ready for launch in proactive territories such as Malta and Gibraltar, where regulatory frameworks have been developed, slower progress is expected in the US, where fundraising options are limited. There, the SEC will probably believe that most of the ICOs are issuing bonds. US projects based on cryptography are no closer to the approval of Reg A + to launch a STO, despite some, like Gab, who have archived documents more than a year ago.
The decentralized credit networks will take off
Decentralized credit networks has made tremendous progress this year in terms of infrastructure development. The tools needed to facilitate secured loans, social credit and open finance have been developed and proven to work. 2019 will take place when they grow up and begin to serve the type of users for whom they were conceived: global citizens who have been excluded from the current financial system.
<img class = "alignright size-full wp-image-265703″ title=”Seven cryptocurrency trends not to be missed in 2019″ src=”https://news.bitcoin.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/Screenshot-2018-12-25-at-13.30.07.png” alt=”Seven cryptocurrency trends to be considered in 2019 "width =" 208 "height =" 124″/>The encrypted debt markets and credit networks will be supported by the growth of projects like Dharma Protocol, GEO Protocol, Nexoand DAO Maker. Maker's multi-asset over-collateralization system will be emulated, having demonstrated its robustness through extreme market volatility this year. Multi-collateral will see a wide range of applications in 2019, as the number of users grows with the number of activities that can be guaranteed. 2018 was about ETH, but in 2019 Maker will accept BTC, ERC20 and other cryptographic and non-cryptographic resources.
Other trends to be expected in 2019
It is possible that 2019 may be the year when one or more people finally sees mass adoption, but do not rely on it. It could also be the year when the first viral blockchain game will arrive. At the very least, cryptography and virtual reality projects will attract new investments, with non-fungible tokens (NFTs) that will bind them to public blockchains to facilitate the trading of digital assets. Once the virtual world of Decentraland will be launched in 2019, a meeting point will be established for all kinds of games and crypto projects.
<img class = "alignright wp-image-264483″ title=”Seven cryptocurrency trends not to be missed in 2019″ src=”https://news.bitcoin.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/covergateway-300×300.jpg” alt=”Seven trends Cryptocurrency to watch out for in 2019 "width =" 212 "height =" 212 "srcset =" https://news.bitcoin.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/covergateway-300×300.jpg 300w, https://news.bitcoin.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/covergateway-150×150.jpg 150w, https://news.bitcoin.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/covergateway-768×768 .jpg 768w, https://news.bitcoin.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/covergateway-1024×1024.jpg 1024w, https://news.bitcoin.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12 /covergateway-696×696.jpg 696w, https://news.bitcoin.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/covergateway-1392×1392.jpg 1392w, https://news.bitcoin.com/wp-content/uploads /2018/12/covergateway-1068×1068.jpg 1068w, https://news.bitcoin.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/covergateway-420×420.jpg 420w, https://news.bitcoin.com/wp -content / uploads / 2018/12 / covergateway.jpg 1600w "sizes =" (maximum width: 212px) 100vw, 212px”/>The Bitcoin Cash community will continue to find new ways to spend and receive peer-to-peer money, while the BTC brigade will be optimistic that 2019 will finally be the year the Lightning network will demonstrate its ability to something more than buying stickers. Custodial services for institutional investors will improve, bringing new capital into cryptographic space (but probably not pushing cryptographic resources to new highs). The NYSE Bakkt will be launched, bringing physical futures contracts to BTC, and there is an external bet that the SEC could approve a bitcoin ETF.
Stripped of much of the greed that characterized the dawn of 2018 and with 12 months of solid infrastructure completed, 2019 promises to be an exciting moment for cryptocurrency users of all tribes, countries and continents.
What other trends do you expect to see in 2019? Let us know in the comments section below.
Images courtesy of Shutterstock and Tokendata.
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