Chinese peer-to-peer economy to exceed 20% of GDP. The Blockchain community is to be followed


Economy sharing accounts for more than 5.5% of jobs in China. According to Xinhua citing the National Development and Reform Commission of the PRC, this segment of the economy has yielded more than $ 333 billion to the country. In addition, experts project this figure to grow 40% each year.

However, despite the impressive figures, it is unlikely that we will see a complete shift to the economy of sharing money with fiat money on its foundations. Both mechanisms have become obsolete, but we believe that the revolution will come when the blockchain merges with the sharing economy.

The problem with the peer-to-peer economy today is that it is suffocated by the weight of clumsy and hard fiat money. This mainly concerns the high transaction costs. Airbnb is forced to charge a 20% commission for its services to keep its huge staff, cover website fees, taxes, etc. If a similar service was created on the blockchain, transaction fees would have remained only 1-5%.

This is why we are creating WONO: the first decentralized project designed to facilitate the exchange of property and services. Considering the capacities of the blockchain, we have decided not to limit the WONO ecosystem to a single economy segment and to offer the highest possible number of goods and services.

Imagine for a moment to keep WONO tokens. You have a flat in New York and you want to visit a neurobiology class taught by a professor you admire. The conference takes place in Paris.

Within the community you can find someone who rents your apartment while you're out, and a place to stop. It is not out of the question that we can find someone who will accept our tokens as payment for a lesson.

We believe that unleashing the full potential of peer-to-peer economics and disclose cryptocurrency as a convenient and preferable alternative to fiat. money can be achieved by providing the maximum variety of goods and services. This will bypass the need to exchange the token in fiat or even in bitcoin.

For more information visit our website and see our white paper:

https: // wono. I / activity / content / en / wp.pdf




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