The decentralized TronBet gaming application eclips 1 billion TRX volumes

The decentralized TronBet gaming application eclips 1 billion TRX volumes

The dApp ecosystem is catching on with the passing of the days and the recent troncet data for decentralized gaming application show exactly this. They recently announced they almost hit 1 billion TRX volumes in just 24 hours, making them way ahead of their rivals TronDice, which has 10.7 million transactions.

By comparing TronBet and TronDice, TronDice has more users. TronDice has 2,211 users while TronBet has 2,195 users. Although the 24-hour volume tells a different story, TronDice has 10,791,247 TRX volumes while, on the other hand, TronBet has 993.909.578.2.

Tronbet is a dice game that has been shown to have fair odds for users to play online. With a lot of fanfare and publicity before it started, over 10,000 was played on the first full day after it went live, scoring some early hits and interest in the game.

Players can find the rules for TRONbet on their official website, even if the whole agreement is relatively simple. To start, the TronLink wallet must be connected to the game and must have TRX to play. After that connection, the user sends his bet and a prediction number. The number is used for the above / below results and any roll with a value lower than the forecast number will be provided with a payment.

Recently, Tron became the "king of the gods" with his founder Justin Sum who tweeted in confidence, saying:

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