9 new cases of COVID-19 in Nova Scotia, 1 in the Bedford school


Nova Scotia is reporting nine new cases of COVID-19 on Friday, including one case at Bedford South School.

The student did not attend school today and is self-isolating, according to a release from the Department of Health and Wellness. The school is closed today for deep cleaning.

Everyone in a class attended by a confirmed case will be tested and is required to self-isolate for 14 days. Bedford South School will be closed for cleaning and contact tracing at least until Wednesday, Dec.2, the statement said.

One of the new cases announced on Friday is a Bedford South School student. (Patrick Callaghan / CBC)

All the cases identified today are located in the central area. There are now 119 active cases of COVID-19 in the province.

Nova Scotia labs completed 3,109 Nova Scotia tests on Thursday.

Quick test pop-ups

Another 1,142 tests were completed yesterday at the Quick Test pop-up site in downtown Halifax, yielding four positive results. Those people were told to self-isolate and sent for a standard test.

The provincial state of emergency has also been renewed. The order will go into effect this Sunday and will extend until Sunday, December 13, at noon, unless the government terminates it or extends it.

The province has announced more than 100 potential exposure sites in the past two weeks. A full list can be found here.

Another quick test site is available on Friday. Those who have no symptoms and want to get tested can visit the Alderney Gate Public Library in Dartmouth from 1:30 pm to 8:00 pm

In Friday’s briefing, Dr Robert Strang, Nova Scotia’s health director, reminded people that rapid tests are an important part of the province’s testing strategy, but they don’t replace the need for a standard lab test.

1,058 investigations in progress

When a person tests positive in the lab, public health employees investigate every close contact of that confirmed COVID case. 1,058 investigations are underway in the province.

A week ago, that number was 276.

Strang said each positive case has an average of seven close contacts, but many cases have had much more.

Due to the work involved in completing contact traceability, it takes some time before close contacts of positive cases are contacted by public health.

“I ask for people’s support and patience during this. Public health will take you,” Strang said. “If you think you’re close, stay home. We need your help on this.”

Essential travel only

Although the province has not changed its self-isolation rules for travelers from other Atlantic provinces, New Scots are still urged to travel only for essential purposes, including access to health care and attendance at work or school. .

“I’m sorry to say, shopping is not an essential purpose,” Premier Stephen McNeil said.

Strang added to shop locally and shop online if you need to shop to help contain the second wave of COVID, which began Oct.1.

“Wave 2 is clearly here in Halifax and we are trying to keep it in Halifax,” he said.

Quick tests in long-term care

Starting today, ongoing voluntary testing is being introduced in long-term care homes. Volunteers, designated health workers and employees who provide direct care to residents will be tested every two weeks.

Testing will begin in three locations: Northwood, Ocean View and St. Vincent’s. It will expand to six more facilities in the next two weeks.

“This is part of our effort to monitor, reduce and prevent the spread of COVID-19 in long-term care settings. None of us need a reminder of how important it is,” Strang said.

New restrictions for restaurants, gyms

On Thursday, new restrictions went into effect in most of the Halifax area and parts of Hants County.

Restaurants are closed for lunch in person for two weeks, but can be brought and delivered. Gyms, libraries, museums and casinos also closed.

A list of what is open and closed in Halifax can be found here.

COVID cases in the Atlantic provinces

New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Labrador and Prince Edward Island have all restored mandatory 14-day self-isolation for travelers. As of Thursday evening, Nova Scotia still does not require quarantine from anyone traveling from the Atlantic provinces.

The latest numbers from the Atlantic provinces are:


Anyone with any of the following symptoms should visit the COVID-19 self-report website or call 811:

  • Temperature.
  • Coughing or worsening of a previous cough.

Anyone who has two or more of the following symptoms is also encouraged to visit the website or call 811:

  • Burning throat.
  • Headache.
  • Shortness of breath.
  • Rhinorrhea.

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