9 Amazing Health Benefits Of Peanuts


Peanuts are one of the types of nuts famous for their nutritional value and their great role in promoting cardiovascular health, and thanks to its high protein content, it is also counted in the group of legumes, and is known as a very popular snack. healthy and has many health benefits for the body and mind, according to a health report published by the site “Times Now News“.

Here are the most important benefits provided by peanuts:

1- Helps to lose weight:

Peanuts help with weight loss because they are full of unsaturated fats, proteins and fiber, which give you a feeling of satiety and thus avoid overeating.

2- Lowers cholesterol:

Peanuts are high in unsaturated fats that lower bad cholesterol, and as a result, the risk of heart disease, stroke and other cardiovascular problems decreases.

3- Good for skin health:

The unsaturated fatty acids contained in peanuts have amazing anti-inflammatory properties: they protect the skin from sun damage, reduce the risk of wrinkles and sun spots, and protect collagen-producing cells called fibroblasts.

4- Cancer prevention:

Peanuts are a good food in the treatment of different types of cancer, as they contain compounds called phytosterols, which have anti-cancer properties, especially against breast, colon and prostate cancer.

Eating peanuts or peanuts can reduce the growth of cancer cells even in women with colorectal cancer.

5- Treats arthritis:

The niacin contained in peanuts relieves the symptoms of arthritis and, thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, also helps to reduce pain and peanuts are a good natural alternative to anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).

6- Promotes cardiovascular health

Peanuts are cholesterol-free, making them one of the healthiest oils for patients with cardiovascular disease, as well as their unsaturated oil content and plant sterols that help lower harmful cholesterol levels in the body.

The sterol substance binds to the cholesterol consumed by food, which prevents its absorption in the stomach and intestines, and helps to reduce the cholesterol level in the body by 10 to 15%, thus reducing the chances of stroke and atherosclerosis.

7- Protect the skin and promote its health

Eating peanuts helps enhance the beauty of your skin and skin thanks to its high content of beauty vitamin and anti-wrinkle vitamin E, as well as a group of oils useful in renewing skin cells and maintaining its moisture.

Additionally, the antioxidants contained in peanuts help protect the skin from UV damage.
8- Reduction in blood pressure

The rate of some hormones in the body, such as angiotensin, can affect the walls of the veins and arteries, which affects the blood pressure in them.

Resveratrol, found in peanuts, neutralizes hormone levels in the body, which helps lower blood pressure.

9- Improve brain work and mental abilities:

Eating peanuts, with their antioxidants and beneficial fats, helps protect nerves and nerve damage as you age.

Several studies have found a role in eating peanuts in preventing the risk of developing Alzheimer’s, dementia and other ailments.

In the style of Sally Fouad … “Peanut butter drink with honey and ice cream”


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