5 scientific events that have never been doubtful


The world of science is always moving dynamically and has progressed rapidly until now. Many scientific events have become milestones for the discovery of something that has contributed greatly to humanity. Just look at the scientific theories initiated by great scientists, which prove useful and contribute to human life itself.

However, in its history, some scientific events or incidents have not always been in line with the opinion of many people, especially for those Puritans. Some scientific events that have proved true have even been questioned. This is where the role of empirical evidence is needed.

Well, this time we will discuss some scientific events or incidents whose truth has been questioned even if they have proved true, even today. Something, huh? Come on, listen!

1. If humans could have lived without vaccines in the past, why is a vaccine now a necessity?

Exploring the Facts: 5 Science Incidents That Ever Questioned the Truththesun.co.uk

While it is not easy, we will discuss the facts about the need for vaccination. Have you ever wondered, why a vaccine in modern times is a necessity? To answer this, medical evidence is needed that will help us come up with scientific conclusions objectively.

In fact, vaccines have existed since ancient times, to be precise in ancient China, registered on the page Vaccine history. Yes, in 1500 the Chinese kingdom made a simple vaccine by inoculation. Inoculation practice is a medical procedure to transfer viruses or bacteria to a new medium with a special procedure.

The special procedure performed during inoculation is to weaken or reduce the number of bacteria to help the patient form new antibodies. Imagine, this complicated procedure could already be performed by China in the 15th century. It is recorded in history that the most popular inoculation ever performed by the emperor of China was smallpox inoculation.

It wasn’t until 1796 that a British doctor named Edward Jenner discovered the modern method of vaccination he practiced in several European countries. Medically and systematically, the smallpox vaccine was only developed in the 18th century in England and many other European countries.

So why is vaccination a must nowadays? National Health Service on his page he writes that vaccination can keep human health for the better. In the data, vaccination is shown to prevent deaths from some diseases of up to 3 million people every year. Measles and diphtheria, for example, have been shown to be 99% lost due to vaccination.

In ancient times, death from plague and disease became commonplace. This is why the percentage of births is lower than that of deaths. Several new mutated diseases have also emerged in modern times, prompting scientists to struggle to find ways to overcome them. So, vaccination is very important in the medical world and there is a lot of evidence along with valid data that some dangerous diseases can only be treated with vaccines.

2. Is it true that humans came from apes? What kind of a joke is this again?

Exploring the Facts: 5 Science Incidents That Ever Questioned the Truthfos.cmb.ac.lk

Okay, if you see the image above as a justification of scientific theory, then you are misunderstanding the science. In fact, the above image is not quite correct. The above image is also the imagination of the opponents of the theory of evolution which was started by Charles Darwin in his book entitled On the origin of species in 1859.

Try it, you learn about the theory of evolution. There is not a single claim in the theory that claims humans came from apes. On the contrary, it is precisely the theory of evolution that explains biodiversity in the form of species on Earth. In other words, the theory of evolution holds that all living things in this world have the same source.

Indeed, even the theory of evolution is irrefutable, because modern biology and biomolecularity have been able to validly prove it. A scientific journal entitled The evolution of molecular biology published on the site NCBI he explained that evolution always occurs in microscopic dimensions and that it can be clinically demonstrated. For example, bacterial resistance to antibiotics is evidence of the evolution of bacteria capable of growing new immunity.

Indeed, the diversity of species on Earth is enough to show that evolution is indeed taking place in nature. So why are humans assumed to have come from apes? In fact, this hypothesis is the heresy and ignorance of the anti-scientists and Puritans that originally developed rapidly in Europe. They define themselves as a people creationism or British creationism.

Perhaps their understanding of biology and biomolecularity is very superficial, so as to understand only the parts of the evolution of the relationship between primates and humans in a superficial way and without scientific basis. In fact, understanding evolution is not as easy as turning the palm of your hand. In-depth studies and research are needed to understand and prove it.

Also read: 5 scientific facts about the fundamental forces of the universe, like what?

3. What is true: does the Earth orbit the Sun or the Sun orbit the Earth?

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Exploring the Facts: 5 Science Incidents That Ever Questioned the Truthsherwoodparkweather.com

Everyone also knows that the Earth and other planets surround the Sun as the largest star in the solar system. But wait, in fact, this hypothesis is only believed in modern times, you know! If you said that the Earth revolves around the Sun, you will be ostracized and considered a fool.

Indeed, the view of heliocentrism in general only existed in the 16th century through the idea of ​​a physicist named Nicolaus Copernicus. Phys. In the past, almost everyone believed that the Earth was the center of the universe and that the Sun surrounded the Earth. If you are desperate for a new formula or opinion regarding the Earth, then ancient times were not an age that tolerated this.

Although it has become widely known, there are indeed scientists and great figures who continue to face discrimination because they support the thinking of heliocentrism. He is Galileo Galilei, astronomer, physicist and philosopher from Italy. His very important role in the scientific revolution seemed denied only because he supported Nicolaus Copernicus.

So, in modern times, does anyone still believe that the Sun surrounds the Earth? It looks like it still is. In fact, there are many followers of Samuel Shenton’s flat Earth theory who stand firm in their position that the Earth is flat or flattened.

4. Strong dinosaurs lost to small animals. Could it be that dinosaurs were just the creation of scientists?

Exploring the Facts: 5 Science Incidents That Ever Questioned the Truthbritannica.com

Do you think dinosaurs and giant animals in ancient times existed or not? Or could it be a lone scientist hallucination or a Hollywood creation? If dinosaurs existed, how come even a tail has not survived until now?

Okay, the answers to the questions above are actually easy to answer. Just give me ancient fossils that have entered world scientific studies, surely the interlocutor will also be silent. However, responding to scientific challenges is certainly not that easy. Indeed, among the many confirmed fossils, the extinction of the dinosaurs is still considered mysterious today.

There is an interesting discussion of science in the journal entitled Why did dinosaurs become extinct? Could cholecalciferol deficiency be the answer? published on the site NCBI. In these journals and studies, it is revealed that, in addition to natural factors, dinosaurs also became extinct due to their poor antibody system against the embryo. Well, the antibodies from the dinosaur parents did not provide enough vitamin D3 for their embryos before they hatched.

Consequences of vitamin D3 deficiency (cholecalciferol) in dinosaur eggs, causing the embryos to die before hatching. In fact, if they survived, most of the dinosaur babies would be disabled and would even end up dying. Where do these vitamins come from? Obviously from nature, where most can be obtained from animal and plant food sources.

Hence, there are always answers in science. Dinosaurs existed in large numbers in ancient times. Natural disasters; lack of food supply; poor nutrition and lack of vitamins are the reasons they are just fossils. Obviously these things won’t happen to small animals because small animals prove fitter in nature. Small animals also don’t need many food sources and can even hibernate.

5. Outdated photographs of the human moon landing would not be believed. So what should I do?

Exploring the Facts: 5 Science Incidents That Ever Questioned the Truthpinimg.com

Who believes today the photos of the human landing on the moon? Anyone can say that the moon landing was a hoax. But, if we want to think and study objectively, of course we will rightly ask, what concrete evidence can be obtained from the Moon?

Not photos and certainly not videos, not to mention the voices of astronauts’ conversations on radio recordings. Unquestionable valid evidence is a small part of the Moon that was brought to Earth and can currently be seen by anyone. Yes, parts of the month are rock, earth and dust weighing more than 300 kilograms, recorded on the page Science notice.

The rocks and soil of the Moon have been studied by hundreds of scientists and thousands of academics from around the world. Consequently, the elements of the Moon are indeed very different from the rocky elements of the Earth. Naturally, lunar rocks are very different from terrestrial rocks because moon rocks do not contain elements of the life of microorganisms.

Indeed, some scientists claim that it is much more difficult to create fake rocks (lunar element) than to land on the Moon. This means that these rocks have been recognized by all scientists and academics in the world as the original moon rocks. So, if you still don’t believe in the moon landing, can you refute the arguments of all the scientists in the world?

These are some facts about scientific events and events that have been revealed based on empirical evidence. What do you think? Is all the evidence valid that is not yet sufficient to prove the truth in science?

Read also: 5 scientific theories corrected by other scientific theories, something?

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