4 Arab countries are on the list of highest cases and deaths in Corona in the eastern Mediterranean


The latest statistics of infections and deaths with the Coronavirus “Covid 19” in the countries of the eastern Mediterranean during the past week showed that 4 Arab countries were among the most affected by the epidemic.

Today, Thursday, WHO Regional Director for the Eastern Mediterranean, Ahmed Al-Mandhari, announced that more than 60% of reported cases of Covid-19 in the region, which includes some 20 countries spanning North Africa and Central Asia, were recorded last week in Iran, Jordan and Morocco, and that “The countries that have registered the greatest increase in deaths are Jordan, Tunisia and Lebanon.

According to Al-Manzari, the Eastern Mediterranean region, which includes 22 countries, has recorded more than 3.6 million cases of Covid-19 disease out of 55 million cases worldwide.

“Three countries have reported more than 60% of all cases in the past week: Iran, Jordan and Morocco,” Al-Mandhari said at a WHO virtual press conference.

The number of daily injuries in Iran currently stands at 13,000, in Morocco at 5,000 and in Jordan at 8,000, according to the organization’s latest statistics.

The regional director of the organization warned that the second wave of spread of the new Corona virus raises “great concern”, and gave an example of what is happening in Europe and the Americas, adding: “We believe that the actual number of confirmed cases in the whole region is higher than that. “

He attributed the reasons for the increase in the number of cases to the “easing of exit bans and restrictions imposed”, noting that many countries in the region are witnessing a “worrying worsening of commitment to these measures”.

Most countries have started easing precautionary measures to contain the spread of the new Corona virus since June. Several countries have reopened their airports and return flights to and from them, as well as canceling the curfew and resuming social and sporting activities.

This is evident in Tunisia, as the situation in Tunisia has changed after being among the safest and least registered countries since the start of the pandemic due to tightening of preventive measures.

But after easing measures, Tunisia is currently recording between 1,400 and 2,000 injured per day, as well as about 100 deaths.

On the production of a vaccine to prevent Covid-19, Al-Manzari stressed that “the vaccine is not a magic solution to end this pandemic. There is still the risk of transmission of the virus (…) so that everyone has access to the effective vaccine “.

And American companies Pfizer and Germany’s Piontech announced in a statement released Wednesday morning that their joint vaccine is 95% effective in preventing Covid-19.

The Pfizer Group intends to produce 50 million doses this year, enough to give it to 25 million people and 1.3 billion in 2021.

Globally, Reuters statistics showed that more than 56.24 million people have been infected with the corona worldwide, while total deaths from the virus reached one million 348,720 cases. And HIV infections have been recorded in more than 210 countries and regions since the first cases were discovered in China in December 2019.

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